Part 16

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Paul grabbed his phone from the pocket, dialing a number, looking pissed off.

"Eric, I swear to god did you syphon the tanks?" he asked, as he put the phone away from and put it on speaker phone so you could hear.

"You know what yes, yes I did. And we aren't going to go out there to pick you up until you hash your shit out between the two of you. You guys have a spark and I'll be damned if you two push each other away." Eric said before he hung up on his end.

"Well that's great." You said, as you open up the ice chest and grab a beer passing it to Paul.

"Looks like we are going to be out here for a while so might as well drink to pass the time." you said, as Paul takes the beer, and finally looks at you, looking you up and down, as you go to sit at the front of the boat in the open bow seating.

"You know if you sit out there you're going to get a sunburn." Paul says, as you move to sit down in the direct sun to make a point, as you down your beer and grab for another one.


You downed your third beer in record time. You didn't know if it was the sun or just the sudden rush of alcohol to your system, but Paul was looking better and better by the second. Not like he didn't before but your thoughts were going in the gutter by the second as you, as you watched as he leaned back further into the driver's seat. Watching as he took sips of his beer, his expression unreadable due to the sunglasses covering his eyes.

You sipped at your beer again, licking your lips, sighing. He was right it's hotter in the sun and you could feel it beating on your back.

You get up from the seat, putting your beer on the floor and quickly walking to the back.

"Put the flag up. I'm going in." You say, as you whip your sunglasses off, stepping off the back of the boat and diving into the cool water.


5 minutes later, after threading water for a bit, you placed your feet into the ladder, trying to bring yourself up.

You struggled to get your body up onto the back of the boat, as Paul lent you a hand up, as you quickly hopped off the back of the boat, the material burning your feet from how hot it was.

Paul looked you up and down a smile on his face.

"Make sure you right the boat if it goes sideways i'm going in the water." He said, as you watched him jump off the back of the boat, surfacing a second later, as he took ahold of the ladder.

"I'm sorry." you said from the driver's seat, as you looked back and saw Paul getting up on the boat.

"What?" he asked, as he went to sit next to you.

"I'm sorry. For comparing you to Andrew. It's because when he told me he loved me, after that the relationship changed. I shouldn't have compared you to him, or freaked out about you confessing your feelings to me." You explain

""trust me i wouldn't say it if i didn't mean it. I've known that I loved you for a long time. It didn't hit me until I saw you laying on my backyard covered in blood though. And then i just wanted to take it slow with you after that, with the recovery. I've never really been the one to wait for sex before, and I know I shouldn't complain about that cause the other night made it so worth it y/n. I love you." Paul said, as you moved to sit on his lap, kissing him.

His hands automatically went to your ass, squeezing it, as one of your hands went to his chest, while the other wrapped around his bicep.

"I love you too." you confess as you both pulled away to take a breath, smiling at each other.

"Well looks like my plan worked." Eric says, as he comes up on a jet ski, with two gas cans strapped to the sides, as you get off Paul's lap.

"Now I know why they call you SS." You said, as Paul took the gas cans and started filling the boat up.

"I'm only an SS for good reasons." Eric said, as he smiled at you.

"Yeah plus he likes you. Can't have a new drinking buddy get away from him so quickly." Paul explained as you laughed.

"I'm going to go back, drop this off. And I guess we'll see you two whenever. Even though we did wanna ask you something. So get back soon." Eric said, as he spun the jet ski around downriver back towards the house.

"I'm guessing you know what they want to ask?" you ask, feeling like it was something ominous, as Paul just smiles.

"Kind of. They were badgering me all night last night while you were asleep." Paul said, as he started up the boat.

"I mean we could go back. Or we could stay out here a little longer and find a beach to beach the boat at?" You offered, as you smiled at Paul, as he quickly turned the boat around towards up river, as he grabbed you, placing you on his lap.

"I'm all for option 2." he said as he kissed you.


Laying on a beach, boat anchored off the distance, and watching Paul's chest rise and fall as he slept.

This is exactly where you needed to be.

And you didn't want to leave.

But you didn't want to end up having to be in the boat at night.

"Paul, we need to get going." you said, as you looked around for your swimsuit to change back into and his swim trunks that were probably with them, as you grabbed one of the beach towels that he had packed in the boat around you, tucking the ends under your arms.

You spotted his swim trunks and your bathing suit grabbed them off the shoreline, walking back up to where Paul was, completely awake, watching you walk back up to him.

You handed him his swim trunks, putting them on under the towel that covered him from the waist down and then getting up shielding you with the towel that he had been laying on as you put your swimsuit back on.

"They are going to ask you to come on tour." Paul said, as you turned to look at him.

"What?" you asked, thinking that you heard wrong.

"They kept me up all night last night begging me to ask you to come on tour. I mean only if you want to." Paul said, as you smiled.

"You know if we weren't under a time crunch I would probably pounce on you right now." you say as you stand on your tiptoes as you kiss him.

Learning From Love (learning to love again sequel)Where stories live. Discover now