Part 15

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You got your cell phone out of your pocket, dialing Paul's number, as you waited for him to answer it.

"Yes." he said on the other line.

"Paul you need to pick us up. We are at the casinos. Eric and Tommy are trying to get their money back from one of the blackjack dealers and I really don't want to have to get them from casino jail." You said, hoping that he would come cause you weren't too confident in your abilities of being able to convince Eric or Tommy to stand down.

"Fine. I'll be there in 5 minutes. Just make sure they don't gang up on the people or else they'll get locked up for the night." Paul said as he hung up the phone.

5 minutes later...

He drove up to the casino, as you were waiting outside, as he got out as you led him through the casino and to where Eric and Tommy were at.

"Hey paul!" Eric slurred, as Tommy tried to keep him upright.

"Guys, let's go before you get arrested." Paul said, as he nodded at you as he went to one side of Eric and grabbed him as you helped Tommy as well as you both walked them back to the car, and getting them back into the backseats.

"Someone's maddddd..." Eric sing-songs, as you sit in the passenger seat, feeling the anger practically vibrating off of Paul as he drives you all back to the house.


By the time that Paul is clicking the button on the visor to get the gate open, Tommy and Eric are passed out in the backseats, Tommy murmuring something about Gene licking him, as you are smiling only imagining what he's dreaming about.

It takes the both of you to get them to wake up and get them into their beds. You go into the bathroom to change into pajamas. Only to find Paul in the master bedroom, grabbing extra blankets and pillows.

"Just want to make sure that you have plenty of space away from me y/n. Tomorrow we can leave if you want." he said, as he grabs lounge pants to change into before leaving the master bedroom, with you alone, feeling more closed off from him.


You woke up to the sounds of screaming, as you ran into the living room, seeing Paul laying on the couch, looking at Eric with a shocked expression on his face.

"What the hell?" you asked, as you waited for an answer about the screaming.

"He scared the shit out of me." Paul said, as he shifted on the couch, as Eric smiled.

"Just wanted to check that you were breathing." Eric explained, as he went to pour himself a cup of coffee.

"Nice day to go for a boat ride. You two should go out. Try and talk out everything by yourselves. Plus theres this great place you should check out that's up river" Eric said, as Paul looked at him with a straight face.

"Everytime that you bring up a suggestion I always get worried that you know that. You always have an ulterior motive, SS." Paul says, as you look from him with Eric, as Eric has a smile on his face.

"SS, shit stirrer, he was crowned with that nickname early on." Tommy said, coming out of his room, looking half dead, grabbing for the coffeemaker and pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"But he's right you two have baggage to unload and we are hungover. And since y/n didn't go yesterday..." Tommy said, as you felt like there was something up, as you looked at Paul to gauge his reaction.

"I guess a little sun couldn't hurt." Paul said, as he gets up to change into swim trunks.

"Ok i guess I can pack some food." You say, as you look over at Tommy and Eric, who share a look that you can't place, but it makes you feel like something is up.


30 minutes later, and you were sitting in the back of the boat, as Paul is driving, trying to find the spot that Eric had pointed out to him on the map.

Paul slowed down a bit, looking at the map.

"It should be here. Based on mile-markers but it isn't." Paul said, as he leaned over to grab for the ice chest to grab out a water bottle, as he passed you a beer.

"Maybe he lied to get us out here, away from them." You said, as you popped open the beer and sipped at it.

"Yeah most likely." Paul said as he went to start the boat back up, as it sputtered.

" no no no." Paul said as he looked at the gas gauge tapping his finger against it.

"Both are empty. They just dropped. I checked before we left, and I remember that they weren't low at all." Paul said, as you both looked at each other.

"Well at least we have alcohol and food?" you said, as you made yourself more relaxed considering how long it was going to take you to get back just floating to the house.

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