Part 2

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You woke up later, rolling on your side, grimacing against the pain that raked through your body at the simple movement. You opened your eyes and saw that Paul was no longer laying next to you in the hospital bed, but was laid out next to your bed in one of those chairs that converted into a bed for anyone that was visiting.

As you moved, you noticed Paul's eyes opening, as he looked at you with a smile on his face. You were going to go grab for the whiteboard, as he spoke.

"Nurse came in earlier and kicked me out of the bed. Said that it wouldn't help either of our healing if we were cramped in the bed together." Paul said, answering your unasked question, as he went to a sitting position, as your eyes raked over him, since you were too overcome with emotions from seeing him before that you really never got a chance to look at him.

His face was marred with bruises, and he had black eyes. Most definitely from getting his nose reset. And he looked like he could use a good couple of days of sleep, you thought, as you noticed that he was looking directly at you with a smirk on his face.

You went to get the whiteboard, turning in the bed to the little table and going to grab it when you felt a weight next to you on the bed.

And you turned around again, the only sound out of your mouth was a surprised gasp. as Paul hopped up back on your bed and kissed you, as you felt his right hand go towards you head and tangle in your long hair.

After a minute, he pulled away and looked down at you, his brown eyes searching yours, as you tried to read what the expression on his face was.

He rested his forehead against yours, as you tried to regain your breathe, when you realized what it was.


"You have no idea how scared I was. When I came to in the backyard and I saw you just covered in blood and your throat slit. I honestly thought I lost you, y/n." Paul said, as he went to kiss you again.

And you heard the sound of voices outside your hospital room, as you went to push against his chest. But it did nothing against Paul's persistiveness as he groaned into the kiss, as your hand found itself on Paul's thigh underneath the hospital gown.

You smiled into the kiss, as your hand traveled up, causing Paul to groan again. But he didn't move your hand away from its journey. That was until your hand stopped at the feeling of material.

Was he more injured than the nurse had lead on? You thought, as you pulled away from the kiss and looked between the two of you and moved his hospital gown slightly to the side, seeing what your hand ended up resting on.

You felt Paul's head on the side of your face, and could feel the smile that was on his face, as you looked and saw that it was underwear.

Not regular boxers or briefs, but KISS branded boxers.

You laughed, or what you thought would be a laugh but ended up sounding like a gurgling sound, as Paul started laughing as well, as he pulled away and you saw his face in a full laughing fit. Which caused the entire hospital bed to shake due to, as you felt his laughter vibrate through you.

"This is what happens when Gene ended up packing me a bag from the house and bringing it over. Cause we both know I wouldn't let anyone else see my love gun babe." Paul said, as you smiled trying to fight back a laugh, as you look at his face.

And see that he's not laughing, not even close. He's being serious.

He went to take your hand in his, as he guided it back to where you had previous had your hand. Or so you thought.

Learning From Love (learning to love again sequel)Where stories live. Discover now