Chapter 4

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Jimin was awakened by the sound of his bedroom door opening and closing. He jolted up in his bed, for some reason feeling at edge. But it was just Hobi, with a pink box in his hands. Jimin relaxed slightly at the sight of his best friend, letting out a breath. His body still stung from last night's assault, and for some reason his twisted mind refused to let Jungkook's face and name drift away into a distant memory.

"Don't you knock?" He asked jokingly.

J-Hope opened his mouth to say something but caught a glance of Jimin's face and gasped. "What happened to you?" He set the pink box on the dresser and rushed over to his friend.

J-Hope's fingers gingerly touched the bruise on Jimin's cheek and he tried to ignore how the skin to skin contact made his heart race, and he also tried to ignore how it made him think know what, not even gonna say his name. " into a fight at the club."

"A fight?" J-Hope echoed incredulously. "That doesn't sound like you."

"Well, I didn't start it," said Jimin.

"Tell me what happened," J-Hope said sternly but kindly.

Jimin tried to piece it together in his mind in a way that didn't sound crazy, "Well...I was dancing. And there was this girl. She wanted to hook up with me but I wasn't interested. I may or may not have pushed her and her brother saw and her brother took me to a back alley to kill me and I was saved by this really sexy guy named Jungkook and he carried me and was nice but rough but all of a sudden he's cold and he abandoned me and I had to call a taxi back here and..." Jimin's rant trailed off when he saw how wide J-Hope's eyes had gone.

"Well," whispered J-Hope. "That's certainly a night to remember."

Jimin wanted to change the subject, so he did, "What's that?" He pointed at the pink box on the dresser.

"Egg tarts," said J-Hope. "I got them for you to apologize for blowing you off last night."

"Not just last night," said Jimin. "You've been blowing me off a lot recently."

"Work called," said J-Hope. "I had to go in and fix some bad choreography."

"They couldn't call anyone else?" Jimin asked.

"It's my choreography. Besides, I'm great at what I do," J-Hope said teasingly. "Who would want to replace me?" J-Hope's eyes narrowed. "But don't change the subject. Tell me about this...Jungkook, you said? He carried you?"

Jimin buried his face in his hands, "I don't know why I let him. I was...hurt, and he just picked me up. I wish he would've stayed longer."

"Oh, so you liked him?" asked J-Hope.

No. Maybe. No. I like you. Jimin wanted to say, but he held that in. He was nowhere near ready to confess his love for Hobi. "No. He's...he seemed dangerous. And I don't have time for anything like that in my life."

"When are you gonna get your modeling career back in action?" asked J-Hope.

Jimin shook his head, "You mean my failed modeling career? I could barely get any auditions and when I did they said they'd keep in touch. Guess what? They lied."

"You can't be so pessimistic," J-Hope ruffled his hair. "Things will get better, Jimin. Now get dressed. There's someone I want you to meet. I've...been meaning to introduce the two of you for a while."

Jimin hesitated, "Are someone?"

J-Hope smiled shyly, "We haven't labelled it yet but...sorta."

Jimin couldn't help the wave of anger and disbelief he suddenly felt, "Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Whoa, where is this coming from?" asked J-Hope. "I just...we were keeping it on the down low."

"I'm your best friend," said Jimin. "You can tell me stuff like this. You're supposed to!"

"Jimin," J-Hope said softly. "What's this really about?"

Jimin looked away, "Nothing. Fine. I'll meet them. But for you. And they better be awesome."

"They are," J-Hope smiled. "To me at least."

Jimin sighed, "First I'm eating those egg tarts."


"Go ahead and go in," said J-Hope as he parked in front of the bar, his cell phone ringing. "I have to take this call. Just stop at the bar and order something. I'll pay for it when I get in."

"Okay, are they already gonna be in there waiting for us?" asked Jimin. "Can I get a name?"

Instead of answering J-Hope answered his phone, motioning for Jimin to get out of the car. Jimin frowned and following his hyung's instructions. With his hands shoved into his coat pockets he walked towards the bar. He wondered who this person was. What they looked like. How they had managed to seduce Hobi. What did they have that he didn't?

He told himself to be nice. If Hobi liked them then they must've been pretty great, and Hobi was rarely a poor judge of character. He reached for the door handle but suddenly the door swung open. Before Jimin could react he collided with a chest and stumbled back. He looked up at and locked eyes with...what the hell?

Jungkook stared down at him. He wore the same thing as the previous night but looked more unruly, wilder. Jimin felt his heart race faster and he didn't know what to do or say.

Jungkook did, however.

Suddenly Jungkook's arms were around him and he was picking Jimin up. Jimin gasped. "W-what are you doing?" He demanded. "Put me down!" Jungkook smelled the same as the other day, and he was just as warm.

Instead of complying, Jungkook starting running.

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