Chapter 6

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Jungkook felt like a damn hypocrite.

All these years he wandered the Earth alone, both ignoring and despising humanity, yet here he was dragging a stubborn, tiny, pink haired headache by his elbow. Jungkook had made sure that they weren't going in the way of the bar. Why? Well...he wasn't sure.

He had been ready to walk away and never turn back but suddenly little pink hair was blocking his path, arms spread wide. Jungkook was amused. He was tiny and knew that Jungkook could swipe him aside like it was nothing, but yet he still stood in his way with seemingly no fear. Looking at his bruised, almost desperate face, Jungkook knew turning away wasn't an option.

He felt an urge to protect this...what was his name? Jungkook chuckled under his breath. Did he actually not bother to get his name? The boy who he had practically just run off with?

Suddenly he felt resistant and looked down at pink hair to see that he had dug his heels in. "Stop," He commanded. Jungkook cocked his head to the side. So bossy. Why is he so bossy? The boy was looking up at him defiantly. Jungkook felt a sudden urge to do something but he wasn't sure what, and whatever it was, he shoved it down into the deepest parts of himself.

"What?" Jungkook asked.

"You haven't even asked my name," The boy said. "You've apparently saved my life twice and you don't even want to know my name?"

"Apparently?" Jungkook echoed incredulously. "You're an ungrateful little thing, aren't you?"

"Little?" Pink hair breathed angrily.

Jungkook smirked, and was pleased to see that the gesture annoyed little pink hair even more. "Just stop talking and walk."

"Which restaurant are we going to?" asked little pink hair. "Hey, why were you at the bar?"

"Stop asking questions," Jungkook ordered.

"Stop avoiding my questions," Jimin countered. "Answer me. Now."

Jungkook's jaw clenched. Why am i putting up with this? What is it about this...

"Do you have name?" Jungkook asked suddenly.

"Oh, so now you're interested?"

Jungkook took a step towards him to try to intimidate him. Little pink hair immediately tensed up, his breath slowing. So you are attracted to me. Jungkook thought. He had suspected but wasn't sure. For some reason he felt excited by this information. Or are you afraid of me?

"I..." Jungkook said lowly. "Won't hurt you. I'm not going to hurt you."

"You kidnapped me," breathed little pink hair. "And you won't tell me where you're taking me now. I...don't trust you. I think you're...dangerous."

Jungkook didn't know what to say but the truth, "I am. I'm very dangerous." He chuckled. "Do you still want to have lunch with me?"

"It's not a joke," Little pink hair whispered. "Why...why did you save me? I want a real answer."

"I don't know," Jungkook sighed. "I just...I just did."

"Do you regret it?" asked little pink hair.

Jungkook stared into his eyes. He didn't want to admit that a part of him had felt something human protecting him. That he seemed to crumble every time their eyes locked and he wasn't sure why. "We're going to a pizza place around the corner. We're almost there."

"That's not what I asked."

"Wrong, that's the answer to the...second thing you asked?" Jungkook started tugging him down the street again. "Now stop fighting me and keep walking...Mr....?"

"Jimin," answered little pink hair. "My name is Jimin."

Jimin. Jungkook thought, suppressing a smile. "Alright then Jimin ssi. You're paying, right?"


Jungkook led him into a pizza parlor where they were almost immediately sat at a booth. Instead of focusing on his menu Jimin stared at Jungkook, trying to get a handle of his thoughts, or just understand him. He was still a completely mystery to him. He had admitted to being dangerous, which should've been reason enough for Jimin to run for the heels, but Jimin couldn't deny that he had saved his life, and that had to count for something.

"So..." Jimin said, trying to create conversation. "How long have you been living in Seoul?" Jungkook didn't answer, instead focusing on his menu. "If you've already eaten here before like you said, then you shouldn't need to read the menu." Jungkook ignored him again. "Seriously, this is the savior I get? A savior who manhandles me? A savior who drags me to pizza parlors then refuses to talk to me?"

Jungkook finally looked at him, "Jimin ssi's savior. I like the sound of that."

Jimin rolled his eyes, "I truly don't understand you."

"You want to?" He asked. "You want to understand me?"

"Yes," said Jimin. "But you won't answer of my questions."

"Maybe you shouldn't ask so many questions."

"Maybe you shouldn't be so mysterious," Jimin huffed.

A waitress suddenly approached the table and they both ordered Colas.

Jimin grinned at Jungkook, "You know...since I'm paying..."

"You're seriously trading pizza for information about me?" Jungkook chuckled. "Are we that desperate, Jimin ssi?"

"Stop calling me that."

Jungkook's smile grew, "Or what?" He cocked his head to the side. "Tell me Jimin ssi, what else could I trade for some pizza?"

"What do you have?" Jimin asked cautiously.

Jungkook smirked mischievously, "Well...what do you want?"

"Are you flirting with me?" Jimin blurted out before he could stop himself. "Because...I..."

"You what?" asked Jungkook. "What if I was flirting with you? What are you going to do about it?"

You don't know who you're messing with. Jimin thought. Instead of answering he stood from the booth. Jungkook straightened up and before Jimin could stop himself and before Jungkook could stop him, he plopped down on Jungkook's lap. He felt Jungkook tense under him and garnered immense satisfaction from getting such a reaction from him. "Tell me Jungkook ssi," He said softly. "Now what are you going to do...about this?"

Suddenly Jungkook's arms wrapped around him. Jimin felt his heart beating faster and faster but he didn't move away. Moving away would mean defeat, and he wasn't going to lose to him. He didn't know why he cared so much, but he felt the urge to prove to this arrogant, dangerous man that he wasn't afraid. That he wasn't little.

He felt Jungkook's touch at his chin, lifting his face up. The skin to skin contact sent a wave of warm electricity down Jimin's spine. "You drive me nuts," Jungkook murmured.

"So what...are you...going to do about it?" Jimin challenged, his volume barely over a whisper.

Jungkook leaned in, and Jimin held his breath when suddenly he felt his phone ring. He intuitively turned his face away and felt Jungkook's lips brush against his cheek. Did...was he seriously about to kiss him?

"I...have to use the restroom," Jimin breathed.

Jungkook didn't answer, and Jimin pulled free from his grasp and hurried towards the bathroom, hitting the answer button on his phone. "Hello?" He asked.

"Jimin, are you sure you're okay?" It was J-Hope again.

"I'm fine," Jimin answered. "I...actually, where are you? Still at the bar?"

"Yes, are you on the way?"

Jungkook's face flashed in Jimin's mind but he shoved it down. He shouldn't be here. Jungkook was dangerous and he was giving in to his emotions. This wasn't like him. He didn't sit in the laps of random guys. He needed to control himself and in order to do that him and Jungkook needed some much needed distance.

"Yes. Wait for me please."

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