Chapter 15

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When Jimin got to the small town of Huisan, he was surprised to see that there was a festival going on. A large crowd was gathered and there were street vendors serving food and lanterns strung around the streets. He stopped a young couple to ask what was going on and they explained that it was their Crater Festival. 

Apparently fifty years ago a star fell to the ground about five miles from Huisan. They saw the star as a guardian angel coming to protect them from hardship, so they thanked it every year by holding a festival in it's honor. Jimin didn't want to believe it, but he knew deep down that the star was somehow connected to Jungkook.

He made his down a damp path towards the crater to investigate. He knew that a part of him was doing this to be vindictive, to show Jungkook that he wasn't some small, insignificant being that couldn't handle his dark past. That he wasn't someone who could just be thrown aside like he did Gyeong Bora. The pain on her face when she had to relive the painful memory of waking up to find Jungkook gone forever.

Before he knew it he saw a sign that said Crater Ahead. He felt his footsteps hastening as he followed the path down to the large crater in the center of a clearing. The grass around it was green and glistening with beads of water. 

He looked down into the crater and gasped at what he saw. Jungkook, lying nonchalantly at the crater's pit. He wore his black leather jacket and a pair of black sunglasses. When he saw Jimin he took the sunglasses off and hooked them onto his collar.

"Jimin ssi," said Jungkook.

Jimin didn't know why, but he felt thwarted. He didn't know what to say, so he chose not say anything. He just gave Jungkook his most defiant, pissed off glare and cross his arms over his chest.

Jungkook slowly rose to his feet before climbing up the crater until he was standing in front of Jimin, who took a step back. The air around them was moist and silent as they waited for the other to make their move.

"You really shouldn't have left me earlier," Jungkook said quietly. "After you invaded my house."

"As that how you see me?" Jimin snapped. "As some helpless intruder in your huge, dangerous world?"

"Well, I have had to save you like three times now," Jungkook replied, having the audacity to smirk.

Jimin couldn't help himself. He took a step forward, fully intending on hitting Jungkook's arm as hard as possible but the next thing he knew he was being gripped by his upper arms and kissed. He was surprised so he gasped, giving Jungkook the opportunity to deepen the kiss, licking into his mouth.

 Jimin knew the logical thing to do would be to bite Jungkook again but he responded to the kiss, taking in Jungkook's warmth. He wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck, having to get on his tippy toes to be able to be eye level with Jungkook.

Jungkook pulled away from Jimin's lips, his eyes closed, "Jimin ssi."

Jimin was breathless, "Why are you here? You told me to go away." The words had hurt Jimin more than he would've liked to admit.

"I'm sorry," Jungkook said softly, surprising Jimin with his apology. "I shouldn't have. I was angry and I didn't want to take any of that out on you. But I guess I sorta did anyway, huh?" He brushed some loose strands of hair out of Jimin's face.

"You're not off the hook," Jimin tried to stay strong, pushing away from Jungkook to create some distance. "I talked to Gyeong Bora."

"I guessed so," Jungkook said.

"What are you?" Jimin asked. "I want the truth."

"I'm a fallen angel," Jungkook replied immediately.

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