Chapter 14

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Jungkook stormed down the street, bumping into or pushing everyone and everything. They would give him offended looks but didn't say anything, taking one look at his face and deciding a broken nose wasn't worth it. It was how people treated him all the time. They took one look at him and decided that he was a dangerous axe murderer who needed to be avoided at all costs, or when they were feeling brave, they would challenge him.

Jimin wasn't like that at all.

From the moment they met he didn't seem to fear Jungkook, he actively put his safety in Jungkook's hands despite Jungkook not knowing what the hell to do with it. He seemed not to know how to handle Jimin period. He seemed to give in to each and every one of the smaller male's demands and had this unquenchable desire to hold and kiss him, bringing out soft moans from Jimin's plump, delicious lips. Jimin was so innocent, and Jungkook didn't know whether or not he wanted to corrupt that about Jimin or preserve and protect it.

Either way, things between him and Jimin were pretty bad at the moment. Jimin had made a vow to figure out Jungkook's past and expose him. Jungkook was pretty sure that Jimin wouldn't figure out much, not because he thought Jimin was stupid or anything but because he had made sure to cut any loose ends to his multiple pasts. 

He never used the same name twice and he never stayed in the same place for long. He didn't like making connections because he found them insignificant and impermanent. But now he was all caught up on this tiny, stubborn guy who drove him nuts.

When he had found his door smashed in, he entered it cautiously but his blood boiling with rage. He had been even more surprised to find Jimin hiding in his closet. He didn't know whether or not to feel happy to see Jimin or confused, wondering whether or not it had been Jimin to kick the door open. 

But when Jimin mentioned someone breaking into the apartment looking for him, Jungkook's heartbeat elevated. After Jimin stormed out, Jungkook had followed Jimin for a few blocks before he felt the anger threatening to overcome him.

Are you dying? Jungkook wasn't going to lie, that question caught him all the way off guard. He furiously pondered where Jimin could've gotten such information but he knew there was only one solution. Only one person who knew.


The first place he went to was the bar, but Yoongi wasn't there. He paced in front of the bar's entrance for a while before he suddenly heard the sound of a loud, distinctive laugh. He immediately recognized it as J-Hope's. He had heard it enough times as Jimin placed a finger to his lips when they were cuddling on his bed, trying to silence Jungkook's amused chuckles as J-Hope spoke on the phone to his new baw.

He followed the noise to see J-Hope and Yoongi coming his way, holding hands. They both looked like they didn't match each other but still they smiled and laughed as they walked down the street. He immediately began stomping towards them. Yoongi of course noticed him first and raised an eyebrow. He opened his mouth and said something but Jungkook blocked it out as white noise.

He curled his hand into a fist and swung it straight at Yoongi's face. It connected and Yoongi fell on his butt, his cheek already beginning to swell. He didn't look at all in pain or even annoyed by the punch. 

J-Hope yelled and threw himself in front of Yoongi, holding his hands out defensively, his eyes wide and confused. Jungkook contemplated tossing him out the way but knew that Yoongi gave him that punch, and wouldn't sit by idly if he turned his assault to J-Hope.

"Something on your mind, champ?" Yoongi asked calmly.

"You told Jimin I was dying?" Jungkook demanded. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

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