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In Jimin's defense, he knocked.

He knocked three times and looked for a doorbell but there was no answer. He considered turning back but the key in his hand seemed to be anchoring him where he stood, refusing to let him move any direction but forward. 

Putting the key in the lock, he turned it and felt it click. Pushing the door open, he prepared himself for the worst and entered Jungkook's apartment.

It was nothing like he expected. He had expected a mess, but Jungkook's apartment was pretty neat, if not extremely barren. It seemed to only have essentials, like a kitchen with a refrigerator and a stove, a small dining table with only one chair, but there were no personal items. 

Like a clock, or any pictures. There wasn't even a television set. The walls were a plain biege and there was a thin hallway with two doors opposite of each other.

Jimin first went to the door on the left, but it was a bathroom. There were of course things like toothpaste, a toothbrush, and a few used towels, but there was nothing personal. Jungkook didn't even have a shower curtain. 

Jimin couldn't help but feel frustrated that Jungkook didn't have enough things for him to search through. Who knew that invading someone's privacy would be so...pointless?

Going to the door on the right, he saw that it was a bedroom with nothing but a bed, a closet, a lamp, and a window. Opening the closet, he immediately spotted Jungkook's leather jacket. The jacket he had draped over Jimin's shoulders to keep him warm. 

Without thinking, Jimin took the jacket off the hanger and slid into it. The jacket dwarfed him, but it still felt comfortable and warm and it made him feel safe, like he was in Jungkook's strong embrace.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. He paused. Was Jungkook expecting anyone? Staying where he was, he listened closely to the knocks on the door, waiting for them to piece together that Jungkook wasn't home and go away. 

That particular desire was dashed when suddenly the door smashed open, like it had been kicked. Jimin instantly ran for the closet, stepping into it as quietly as possible.

"Hello?" Asked a masculine voice he didn't recognize. "Jimin, right? That's your name?"

Jimin tried to stay as quiet as possible. Who was this person? And what were they doing here? Why were they looking for him? If they were busting doors down just to find him, then they couldn't be an ally. 

He tried to control the fear growing inside of him but tried to be brave and think of a way to get out of here. If he had to fight for himself would he win? What was this person capable of?

"Just come out now and I won't have to hurt you," Their voice rang through the apartment, carrying throughout the walls and making Jimin's skin crawl. "I know you're hiding in here, Jimin. Could you be in the bedroom, I wonder?"

Oh shit. Jimin could feel his heartbeat elevating. He looked around the closet for something...anything to defend himself with. The best he found was a large, black combat boot that he clutched to his chest.

He heard the bedroom door open and the footsteps carefully stepping through the room. Suddenly they stopped. Jimin closed his eyes, waiting to be discovered. But that never came, as he heard what sounded like the window open before being shut the second the front door opened again. He stayed where he was, wondering what was going on and what he should do.

While he heard the door open and close, he didn't hear any footsteps. Had he imagined that? Had the person opened the window to confuse him or did they think he escaped out the window and were now trying to chase him out the front door? Who even was that person and what did they want with him? 

He wondered if they worked for those people Jungkook had repeatedly saved him from. He was confused. If the plan was to kill him, then why did they give him a chance to come out?

Suddenly the closet door opened and Jimin screamed, throwing the boot with as much force as people. He heard it connect and someone give a shout of their own. He then tried to rush the person but in a second they had him pinned face first against the wall with their arm against his back, holding him in place. He heard them gasp in surprise and was spun around to be face to face with Jungkook.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Jungkook demanded.

"I...I..." Jimin didn't know what to say without sounding in the wrong, which he most definitely was. "You came by last night. Why?" Jungkook's jaw clenched, but he didn't say anything, which frustrated Jimin. "Why did you tell him about my feelings for him?" At that Jungkook rolled his eyes, which straight up infuriated Jimin.

He placed his hands on Jungkook's chest and shoved him with all of his strength, sending Jungkook stumbling back with a surprised expression. Jimin slid his jacket off and flung it at Jungkook's face, but Jungkook easily caught it.

"You're an asshole!" Jimin yelled. He then walked over to the bed and seized the pillow, turning to fling that as well but the next thing he knew he was being grabbed by his wrists and pinned to the bed with his hands on either side of his head. He writhed, "Let go of me!"

"You're mad at me?" Jungkook's tone was a mix of tired and incredulous. "You're the one who broke into my place. How did you even get in?"

Jimin stopped struggling, glaring up at Jungkook defiantly and silently. Jungkook watched him, expecting an answer. When he saw he wasn't getting one he let out a bemused chuckle and shook his head softly.

"You think this is funny?" Jimin demanded angrily.

"Yes Jimin ssi," Jungkook said, his brows furrowing. "You breaking into my house just knocks me out." Jungkook cocked his head to the side. "Why were you hiding anyway?"

"Because..." Jimin didn't see any point in keeping it a secret. "There was someone here a moment ago."

Jungkook's eyes widened, "Who?"

"Like I would know," Jimin said with a roll of his eyes. "They were looking for me, though. They threatened to hurt me if I didn't come out."

Jungkook's jaw clenched, "What else did they say?"

"I think they bolted the moment you showed up," Jimin suddenly felt left out. "Yet another person who knows more about you than I ever will."

"You think you want to know things about me but you don't," said Jungkook. "Why can't you just leave it alone? What does it matter?"

"Are you dying?" Jimin couldn't not ask it. It had been ringing in his mind ever since Yoongi brought it up. He had to see Jungkook's reaction and confirm whether or not it was true.

Jungkook's expression darkened, "Who told you that?"

"Answer the question," Jimin demanded. "Are you dying?"

There was a long pause of silence. "Get out." Jungkook said at last.

"What?!" Jimin was shocked. "Are you serious?"

Jungkook suddenly leaned in, his eyes dark and serious and for a moment Jimin actually feared Jungkook would lose his cool and hit him. "Jimin ssi, I will not tell you again. Get. Out."

Jimin felt hurt by these words, but was determined not to let Jungkook see any pain caused by his cruel words. Jungkook let off of him and Jimin immediately got off of the bed. He took one last look at Jungkook, who looked rattled. 

Jimin didn't know what to do, he was too proud to apologize and still furious at how he was being treated. He wanted to yell every obscenity in his vocabulary but what would change?

"I'm going to figure out the truth," Jimin vowed stubbornly. "And whatever you are, I'm going to expose you. I should never have let you kiss me." He didn't know why he added the last sentence, maybe to hurt Jungkook, but he said it regardless.

Jungkook glared at him, "Don't let the door hit you on your way out."

Jimin turned and stormed out of the apartment, intent on keeping true on his promise. Whatever or whoever Jungkook was, he would figure it out and relish the look on Jungkook's face as he was being exposed.

The good news was that he knew where to start. 

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