Chapter 16

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**Three days later**

"Are you sure you want to do this?" J-Hope asked as Jimin slid into his favorite jacket.

"Yes," Jimin replied, only half-meaning it.

He was done moping around in his bed know who. He didn't even know why he was so upset about it. It's not like they had been together for years. 

In fact, had they even been together? Jungkook following him around and protecting him for a week shouldn't really count as a relationship, even though every second made Jimin's little heart skip a beat.

Life felt colder without Jungkook's arms around him, but he knew that this hurt was temporary. He had lived without Jungkook before, and he could do it again. He just had to give himself a moment. 

There's a saying that you mourn a relationship for half the time you were in one, so technically speaking, he should already be over Jungkook. Turns out that phrase is a load of bullshit.

The whole way back home Jimin considered running to Jungkook and throwing his arms around him, but he knew that logically it could never work between them. Jungkook was a fallen angel way older than Jimin, and there was the major fact that he would be sent to Hell soon. 

Jimin knew that he was falling for Jungkook, and he couldn't handle getting his hopes up and his heart broken for what seemed like a doomed relationship.

The best thing for both of them was to cut each other out of their lives. Jimin had to forget Jungkook and move on with his life. And he planned to exactly that by spending a night out with J-Hope. It had been a while since just the two of them had been able to hang out with Hobi's busy schedule and new boyfriend, Yoongi. Jimin worried that their relationship would end the same way as him and Jungkook, but Yoongi didn't seem to be worried, meaning that they had time. Jimin tried not to be jealous.

They walked down the street to the movie theater. It was a movie Jimin had been meaning to see for a while. For a second he had hoped he could have seen it with Jungkook, but obviously that wasn't going to happen. Jimin wished he could just stop thinking about that damned fallen angel, but he knew that he had to get through the hurt in order to properly heal.

There was an awkward silence between him and Hobi, causing Jimin to realize just how disconnected they'd been for the past few weeks. Usually they always had something to talk and laugh about, but they were just standing in a long line to a cinema. People passing by them gave them strange expressions, as if they were doing something strange, but Jimin ignored them.

"I swear you'd think we were buying drugs," J-Hope commented, also noticing the weird look people were giving them.

Jimin smirked at that comment. On any day he was sure he would've burst out laughing, but it was hard for him to be joyful enough to laugh these days. He felt like he was being melodramatic but also knew that he couldn't be too hard on himself. 

Ignoring pain will only feed it at the end of the day, and he didn't want to be someone who surrendered to pain. He wanted to conquer it. Besides, Jungkook had probably already moved on and was in another country living it up with, he didn't really want to think about it.

"A lot on your mind?" He heard a voice ask.

He turned to lock eyes with a very handsome man. He had distinguished features, thick eyebrows, tanned skin, and wavy dark hair. He was tall and smirked down at Jimin, his bangs hiding his eyes. He wore a black trenchcoat over a black turtleneck. In fact, his entire ensemble was black. It was a look that fit him well. However, the look only reminded him of Jungkook, so Jimin turned away.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you," The man said politely. His voice was deep and...oddly familiar. But Jimin was sure he had never met this man before. He definitely would've remembered someone like this man.

"No, you're not bothering me," Jimin said, trying to be polite in return. "You just kind of startled me."

"My deepest apologies," The man's smile widened, showing his perfect, pearly white teeth. "Maybe we should start over? I'm V."

Jimin raised an eyebrow, "V?"

"Just V," The man extended his hand.

Jimin hesitated for only a moment before he took it, shaking it. "Jimin."

The man's hand was warm, not Jungkook warm, but it was still comforting. "Are you alone?"

Jimin found the question strange and slipped his hand out of V's grip. "I'm here with my friend, J-Hope." He took a step closer to J-Hope, who had his back turned, waiting for the person in front of them to but their ticket and enter the theater.

"You a big movie fan?" V asked.

"I guess I just enjoy going out every once in a while," Jimin answered.

"Yeah, you don't seem like the type to stay put," V was looking at him like he was trying to seize him up.

"And what about you?" Jimin asked, trying to remain as comfortable and aloof as possible. "Are you a big movie goer?"

"Not really," V said calmly. "But today is a special occasion."

"Which is?" Jimin asked, curious.

"You see, I was hired by this very wealthy man to kidnap this beautiful little spitfire."

Suddenly Jimin's blood went cold as he realized where he had heard the voice before. When he was hiding in Jungkook's closet, his heart beating so fast he feared it'd burst out of his chest.

Just come out now and I won't have to hurt you.

Jimin began to take a step back. "Don't," V warned. "At least not before seeing your little friend."

Jimin turned to J-Hope and blinked rapidly. J-Hope was gone. He had just been standing there a moment ago. But that wasn't the only weird thing. The theater, which had just been packed with people with bright signs was now...closed? And condemned at that. The crowd was gone and there were no signs, no anything. In fact, the street was incredibly quiet.

Turning back to V, Jimin grabbed his collar, "Where's my friend?"

"Illusions are so easy to create," V said smugly. "He saw what I want him to see, just like you did. Here's what's gonna happen. You're going to come with me, or your friend is going to die. Deal?"

"What do you want from me?" Jimin demanded.

"I don't want anything from you," V grabbed Jimin's wrist and suddenly Jimin felt the energy beginning to drain from his body.

He struggled to stay on his feet, trying to jerk his wrist out of V's grip, but the more fatigued he got, the stronger V seemed to get, until Jimin could do nothing but fall forward. V caught him, scooping him up in his arms bridal style.

Jimin wanted nothing more but to scream at V to let him go and take him to J-Hope, but all he could do was let out a defeated sigh.

"But there are some people," V said, looking down at Jimin. "Who would like a word with your boyfriend."

"J-Hope...has nothing to do with his," Jimin breathed. "Let him go."

"It's a chain reaction," V explained. "We use J-Hope to get to you, and then we use you to get to Jungkook."

"Jungkook is gone," Jimin said bitterly.

V leaned in, "For your sake. And for J-Hope's sake. He'd better not be."

The last thing Jimin heard before passing out was the sound of V's shoes walking on the pavement, taking him somewhere sinister.

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