Chapter 19

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"Jimin ssi."

Jimin was first awakened by Jungkook's soft voice calling his nickname, then by the sharp pain in his thigh. He locked eyes with Jungkook, who was sitting next to his hospital bed looking disheveled but ultimately alive. 

He remembered feeling so relieved that Jungkook was there to save him, feeling hopeful even after he was shot in the leg. He also remembered feeling absolutely destroyed when V stabbed Jungkook through the chest.

At first Jimin thought it had to be a trick, that there was no way Jungkook was just dead. But seeing Jungkook fall to the ground and begin to bleed out, his breath labored and agonized, Jimin was sure everything was over. 

The cops had come and had managed to find Jimin bleeding out and tied to a chair. Immediately calling the ambulance, Jimin had begged them to save Jungkook and find J-Hope, but Jungkook was dead, and J-Hope was nowhere to be found.

As they loaded him into the ambulance, the only solace in that moment was that Jungkook wasn't actually dead. But there was still no sigh of J-Hope. When Jimin woke up after V kidnapped him, there was no sign of Hobi, and he felt extremely worried and even guilty. It was his fault.

Jimin couldn't help the tears running down his face as he expressed this, "It's my fault."

"What is?" Jungkook asked softly.

"Everything. If I hadn't rejected Mi-young that day she wouldn't have tried to kill me and then you wouldn't have had to save me and all of this is my fault---"

"Jimin ssi," Jungkook said sharply. "None of this is your fault."

"You died," Jimin sobbed. "And it's my fault. You're not a ghost, are you?"

Jungkook chuckled, "I'm...actually human."

Jimin's eyes widened, "W-what?"

"I'm human," Jungkook said, and Jimin could see the excitement in his eyes. "The Creator gave me a second chance. He..." Jungkook's cheeks reddened, the first time Jimin had seen it from him. "He gave us...a second chance...but...only if you want to--"

"Yes," Jimin said immediately. "Of course. Yes. But...J-Hope."

"Is alive and well," Jungkook explained. "Yoongi got him out before the cops got there."

"And...V? Mi-young? Her crazy dad?"

"Is dead," Jungkook said grimly. "Mi-young is still out there somewhere and her brother was arrested by the authorities."

"And V? He made me see things. He---"

"Was gone when I woke up. But he was nothing but a hired lackey. He's most likely moved on to the next job," Jungkook said, though he didn't sound one hundred percent sure.

"I was so scared," Jimin said, sniffling. "I'm so glad you came. And even happier that you're...that we have more time. I'd like to see Hobi though."

"That'll be the first thing on our to do list when you get out of the hospital," Jungkook grabbed Jimin's hand and squeezed it. "I'm not a fallen angel anymore, but I still promise to protect you. I still want to be there for you."

"Hmm," Jimin brought Jungkook's hand to his lips and kissed it. "Now that we're on the same level I can protect you a little."

"Just a little," Jungkook smirked. "I...I want the rest of my new life to mean something. I'm not going to waste any more moments of it. It's funny. It all started with you. The end of my old life and the beginning of my new life. All because I fell in love with you, Jimin ssi."

Jimin almost passed out. "W-what...did you say?"

Jungkook leaned in, locking eyes with Jimin, "Am I making you uncomfortable?" He brushed some hair out of Jimin's face. "I said I love you. You don't have to say it back. But I know that's how i feel. It's how I've felt since the beginning."

Jimin felt himself tearing up again as he cupped Jungkook's face in his hands and brought his lips to his. Even in his mortal state, kissing Jungkook made Jimin feel safe and special. He felt Jungkook's tongue dragging across his upper lip, trying to push into Jimin's mouth to deepen the kiss but Jimin didn't think that a hospital bed was the right place to make out.

He pulled away, his lips brushing against Jungkook's, "Behave."

"Or what?" Jungkook challenged, latching his mouth onto Jimin's neck.

Jimin tried to focus his thoughts despite Jungkook sucking and licking the sensitive skin on his neck, "Or...I won't buy you dinner when I get out of the hospital."

"Maybe I'm hungry for something else."

Jimin laughed, "You're unbelievable."

Jungkook was staring at him like he was his entire world, and at that moment Jimin was happier than he had ever been.

"So..." He asked, burying his head into Jungkook's neck as Jungkook settled int the hospital bed next to him, wrapping his arms around Jimin protectively. "What happens now?"

"Now..." Jungkook said thoughtfully. "We rest. We have tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that. We have a while before any of us have to go anywhere. How does that sound to you?"

"Perfect," Jimin mumbled, his eyes closing.

Later when he woke up, he was glad that not only was Jungkook still there, but that he would stay with him for a while. 

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