Chapter 17

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Jungkook didn't think that any pain on Earth could surpass the pain he felt after being kicked out of paradise, but he was sorely mistaken. Turns out that having to say goodbye to the one person who'd brought him genuine happiness hurt worse. He felt like someone had ripped his heart out of his chest, and without it he could do nothing but lie on his bed and stare up at the ceiling.

At least the bed was largely more comfortable than the cold hard ground. Lying in the crater as he waited for Jimin, he closed his eyes for a moment as he relived falling through the air and trying to mentally prepare for the agony to come, despite knowing deep down that nothing could prepare him. Nothing could prepare him for the life he was exiled from and his harsh future.

He knew he couldn't blame Jimin for turning his back on him. It wasn't fair of him to just show up in Jimin's life and expect for them to be something. What was the point? In a few months he would be sent to Hell and what would Jimin be left with other than some painful memories? It wasn't fair to him. Jungkook almost wished that he hadn't met Jimin, but knew that if he hadn't Jimin would most likely be dead. A part of him had wanted to fight more when Jimin rejected him, but he knew that at the end of the day he had to respect Jimin's decision, even if it did shatter every piece of his heart.

He was wallowing in his own self-pity when he heard a knock at the door. He decided to ignore it and just wait for the next few months to pass by until the flames of the inferno reached up to drag him into torment. 

This wasn't an option for whoever was knocking, and he heard the door being kicked down. A part of him wanted to go and beat the ass of whoever it was, but he didn't feel like moving. He just wanted to be left alone.

He heard thundering boots coming his way but he kept his eyes focused on the ceiling.

"Didn't you hear me knocking?" Yoongi asked, standing in the doorframe of Jungkook's bedroom. "What the hell are you doing?" Jungkook didn't answer, he didn't even look in Yoongi's direction. He heard Yoongi storm over to his bed, standing over him. From the corner of his eye he saw Yoongi looking frantic and almost...scared. "Jungkook...they took them."

Jungkook turned his head to look Yoongi in the eyes, "What?"

"J-Hope and Jimin," Yoongi said anxiously. "They took them. And I need your help to find them before they get murdered."

Yoongi fished his phone out of his pocket and turned it on, scrolling through it for a second before he turned it around to show Jungkook a photo of both Jimin and J-Hope tied to a chair, blindfolded. They were next to each other and both looked utterly terrified.

Jungkook felt a deep rage rising inside of him.

They were so fucking dead.


Jungkook led Yoongi towards a warehouse on the docks of Seoul. Last time Jungkook checked, it was Do-Yeon's hideout. Judging by all of the black cars and guards outside of it, he made an educated guess that it still was. Yoongi seemed to be very nervous the entire time, sweat glistening his brow. Jungkook wondered if Yoongi was a stranger to things like this.

"Will you calm down?" Jungkook whispered to him. "We'll get them both back. It'll be fine."

Yoongi gave him a solemn nod.

"I need you to distract them," Jungkook said. "I'll sneak in and free Jimin and J-Hope."

"We don't need a distraction," said Yoongi. "Leave it to me."

Yoongi nodded again. He then turned and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He then slipped into the shadows and Jungkook waited for what he guessed would be Yoongi's distraction. Suddenly Yoongi stepped into the light. The guards immediately aimed their guns at him, yelling something at him. Jungkook guessed it was for him to get on the ground, but Yoongi ignored them. He glared at them and slowly raised his hands. With a sharp flick of his wrists their cars raised into the air and before they could even react Yoongi flicked his hands down and the cars landed on top of them.

The guards who weren't crushed by the car started shooting at Yoongi who raised his hand, the bullets bouncing off an invisible force field surrounding him. When they ran out of bullets, Yoongi clenched his wrists and the guards starting shouting, blood pouring from their noses. They all slowly crumbled to the ground, the blood still pouring from their noses in a gruesome display.

Jungkook could only stare wide-eyed at Yoongi. He had guessed that Yoongi was some powerful entity but he hadn't guessed he was this powerful. He wondered if this was how Jimin felt when Jungkook displayed his own powers without offering any explanation. Not that he really needed it to be explained. He was just greatful at that moment that Yoongi was so powerful and on his side.

Jungkook rushed towards Yoongi when suddenly he felt an intuition telling him to duck. He dove towards the ground and felt something pass over his head. He rolled over to his side to see a blade penetrating a container, inches from where his head had been. 

He looked at the attacker to see someone stepping from outside of the warehouse. He was tall and handsome, with messy black hair and wearing nothing but a black turtleneck and black slacks.

"Jeon Jungkook," He said, his voice loud and deep. "Nice to meet you at last."

"Can't say the same for me," Jungkook slowly rose to his feet. "Where is he?"

"Oh," The man smiled. "Jimin. He's a pretty thing, isn't he? A little spitfire."

"I..." Jungkook said, trying to contain his fury. " going to remove every single one of your fingers that touched him."

"Big talk," V teased. "Very big talk. How about you start with this one?" He held up his middle finger towards Jungkook.

Jungkook lunged towards V, intent on taking his head off when suddenly V disappeared into thin air. Jungkook came up short. He turned towards Yoongi, but Yoongi wasn't there anymore. He heard a soft voice crying and turned back to where V was standing, only to see that Jimin was lying there, tears running down his cheeks. He was bloodied and bruised. Jungkook immediately ran to him, arms outstretched. "Jimin ssi!"

Suddenly he was talked to the ground, his head hitting the pavement. He looked up to see Yoongi on top of him, and that he had saved Jungkook from another of V's knife attacks. V was leaning against a container far away, watching them with a sick amusement. He had something glimmering in his hand, which Jungkook assumed were his knives.

"What?" Jungkook demanded, confused.

"Don't let him get into your mind," Yoongi warned. "He's a witch. Tricks come natural to him."

V scoffed, "That's rich coming from you."

V suddenly took a deep breath looked towards the sea. Jungkook followed his gaze and gasped. A tidal wave was coming towards them, casting a great shadow over the docks.

"It's not real," Yoongi told Jungkook sternly. "It's not real. Don't let him inside your mind."

"Jungkook," V called out. "Do you think Jimin can swim?"

"Trust me," Yoongi said. "It's not re--"

The tidal wave hit and Jungkook let out a scream until he realized that he wasn't drowning. He was just flailing like a madman in Yoongi's arms and that V had once again disappeared from his spot. Jungkook looked around the area wildly. He had never fought someone like this. Someone who had powers who could give him a run for his money. He was usually always the strongest person in the room.

"Come out!" Jungkook yelled. "Fight like a man!"

Something glittering came flying out of the air and it grazed Jungkook's arm. He hissed in pain and clutched his arm. Did this thing seriously cut him? What the hell was this blade made of? What the hell was V?

"Enough of this!" Yoongi yelled.

Suddenly he flicked his wrist again and Jungkook heard a shout before he turned his head to see V flying over their heads and into the water below. Jungkook waited for V to come up for air, but he didn't. He decided to cross that bridge later and turned towards the warehouse. For a second he waited for some new obstacle to block their path, before deciding that it didn't matter. He'd destroy any that came in his way.

Rushing into the warehouse, he was stopped by Do-Yeon holding a pistol to Jimin's head.

"Jungkook," Do-Yeon smiled wickedly. "Can we talk?"

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