Chapter 11

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Jimin and Jungkook pulled up to the house on Jungkook's motorcycle. There were already cars parked outside of the house, and Jimin could hear the sound of faint music coming from within the house's walls. Jimin's arms and legs were wrapped around the larger male. He had his face buried into Jungkook's back, feeling nothing but safe and content. 

Once the motorcycle had come to a complete stop, Jimin pulled off the motorcycle helmet Jimin had handed him. Sliding off the motorcycle, he pulled his phone out his back pocket and started fixing his hair in his phone's reflection. He bit back a blush when he saw Jungkook looking at him with a fond smirk.

"What?" Jimin asked, feeling a little shy.

Jungkook didn't answer. He just slid off of the motorcycle and grabbed Jimin's hand, sending a jolt of electricity up Jimin's spine. He almost squealed but decided not to look like an idiot, so he tried to look as aloof as possible as they walked up the steps.

Ringing the doorbell, Jimin could feel his anxiety piling up.

He felt Jungkook squeeze his hand and he looked up at him, "Wanna make a run for it and do something...a little more fun?"

Jimin looked away only to hide the smirk that comment brought from him, "Maybe later."

The door opened, and a young woman poked her head out, "Yes?"

"Hi," Jimin greeted her, trying to sound more confident than he felt. "I'm with Gyeong Bora."

Her eyes widened slightly, "Oh. Please come in. Is he with you too?" She saw him cast an uneasy glance towards Jungkook. Understandable. He seemed to radiate nothing but sexy and intimidation, even as he looked at the sky with an uninterested aura.

"Yes," Jimin said. "He is."

She led them into the house where there was a crowd of people talking, laughing and drinking what looked like fine wine. She told them to wait while she fetched Gyeong Bora. He scanned the crowd for the elderly woman he had saw only hours earlier, but it proved to be harder than expected. He saw some people looking at them as they walked in, their eyes drifting down to his and Jungkook's interconnected hands.

"Thirsty?" Jungkook asked suddenly. "I could go for some alcohol."

"You should go try it," Jimin encouraged.

"It's probably nothing special," said Jungkook. "I've tried plenty of wine."

Jimin's eyebrow raised. Was Jungkook willingly talking about his past? "Oh, really?"

Jungkook smiled down at him, "I'm not an alcoholic or anything. I just...was curious."

"Where was this delicious wine?" Jimin hoped Jungkook wouldn't catch onto his prying.

"Italy," Jungkook said casually.

Jimin's eyes widened, "You've been to Italy?"

"I've been a lot of places," Jungkook said, sounding tired all of a sudden. "You know, I could take you there. Anywhere you want to go, in fact."

A romantic vacation with Jungkook sounded heavenly. "I should try to find that lady from earlier," Jimin said, deciding to create some distance before he jumped Jungkook's boned right then and there.

"Trying to get rid of me already now that you've made it?" Jungkook teased.

Jimin rolled his eyes, "You've made it pretty clear that you're not going anywhere. Not that I want you to."

"You're so clingy," Jungkook said.

Jimin raised his hand to slap his shoulder but Jungkook grabbed his waist and jerked him closer, wrapping his other arm around Jimin's waist.

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