Chapter XXXIII - Oh f***

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Alicia is driven home the next morning by Skip. We all wait out for her to arrive, but she walks upstairs past us all without looking at any of us.

Mel starts to follow her but I tug her back. "Leave her." I whisper. "Just wait until the boys are gone and we can go see her."

She doesn't look happy but she agrees.

Skip however turns to us the moment she's gone, angrily. "Okay, so what the fuck were you all doing before this happened?!" He yells, eyeing Jai straight up.

Jai flinches. "Nothing man, calm down! We were playing Uno! This is just something that happens!"

Skip shakes his head and squeezes his fists like he's trying to contain himself. "No... No, it's fucking not!" He yells, throwing his hands in the air. I'm shocked, to be honest, I didn't expect him to lose it like this. "This was my first born! My first kid! The start of my whole fucking life, and now I've got nothing! Fuck you all, and whoever did this! Just-" He spins to face the stairs then twists half back and, looking slightly crazed, throws up his middle finger aggressively before storming up the stairs.

The silence seems to echo around the hall for a few minutes, then I breathe, "Holy shit."

Jai's returning laugh is nervous but his face is like stone. "Excuse me." He coughs out quietly and disappears through into the other room, leaving the rest of us staring after him.

So one Janoskian is upstairs probably breaking shit and crying, and one is disappearing silently.

"Oh, fuck." Luke whispers.

And oh fuck it is.

*Next day*
By the next morning, they still haven't come around, Alicia silent upstairs, Skip sleeping on the sofa. Luke brings out his guitar and sits at the counter, playing songs for me to sing along to. He keeps trying to convince me to try and get a record deal, make a name for myself. We sing together too, and he even sets up the keyboard that was upstairs so that I can take turns playing with him.

Mel comes and watches us, straight faced with sorrow, her eyes sometimes lighting up or tearing up throughout the songs. When I sit at the piano on my own, playing Sia's 'Bird Set Free', I feel a tear drop on my shoulder, but it isn't Mel, it's Jai. He sings along with me and I almost feel like crying too. The house is silent besides the piano and our two voices. Upstairs is dead quiet. Then suddenly, there's a huge bash on the front door.

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