Chapter XXIII - "I'm pregnant Meghan!"

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She's quiet for a moment. Then she says with a sob, "I'm pregnant, Meghan!"

Holy crap. Any other time I'd be like, talk it out with Skip, you'll come up with something. But after the party... The only thing I can do is keep my cool, stay calm.

"Babe, don't stress out about it. I'll be there as soon as. We'll sort this out, don't worry."

She just sobs again and I squeeze my eyes shut. This is the worst thing to happen right now. If the baby isn't Daniel's... I don't think Daniel would ever forgive Jai. It would turn the whole group upside down.

"Look, Ali, I'll be there in under an hour with a few pregnancy tests and a doctors appointment booked. If you definitely are, then... we'll find out who the dad is and we'll fix this up. Just you wait and see." I try to keep my voice level over the phone and she seems to buy it.

She sniffles."I'm so, so s-sorry."

"It's okay. We can sort this out. I'll see you asap."


True to my word, I arrive 57 minutes later at her door, still in my work pants and jacket with my black crossover bag filled with shit. I picked up 4 pregnancy tests, a huge bag of lolly snakes, a bar of Marvellous Creations, a bunch of movies and a large bottle of Raspberry Schweppes. Alicia opens the door, looking like, to put it nicely, crap. There are bags under her eyes and her hair is unbrushed, she's in trackpants and a hoodie. Her face is bare of makeup and her feet are also bare. I launch myself into her, arms wide.

"Everything's going to be okay, you'll see, it'll be fine! Don't worry, don't freak out. We're gonna do these tests, and if worst comes to worst, we'll book a paternity test then we'll eat all this crap and watch all these movies. Okay?"

Her smile is watery but it's a smile all the same.

"But first let me do your makeup." I add, and this time she smiles properly.

"Thank you so much. You don't understand how much this means, I'm so fucking stupid, and I just-"

"Shhh!" I say. "Don't worry about anything yet, we'll take everything one step at a time. Now take this test and go!" I place a pregnancy test in her hand and push her in the direction of the bathroom.

"I've already taken one!" She objects, starting to hand it back but I don't take it.

"Do another few. Just to be safe."

"It doesn't matter." She replies hopelessly and her voice breaks, tears filling her eyes.

"It might. Just take a chance."


"Meghan, that's the fourth one today! I'm fucking pregnant, just accept it!" Alicia screams, her voice thin, and I have to now. There's no denying it. She's knocked up. But by who?

"I know. I'm sorry. I guess this is the worst case scenario."

"Well, what now?" she cries, tears falling.

"I'll book a paternity test." I say quickly, pulling out my phone. I don't even know how the fuck paternity tests work, like do we need both boys to come in and do something or will they just say, 'the father is bla bla bla'? I decide to call Mel instead as she'll know what she's doing.

Like I expected, she knew, and told us to buy one. If we can get a mouth swab from one of the boys and Alicia, then we'll find out if they're the father or not. Ali swears she's only been with the two of them, so it'll be one or the other. We drive out to buy one, Alicia still slightly hysterical, so I leave her in the car while I dart in. They're fucking expensive things, $239. She owes me big time.

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