Chapter XVI - Goodbye

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I cant believe the day's here already. I wake in Luke's arms and cling to him, not wanting to ever get up. When he wakes, we just stay there, gazing into each other's eyes, sharing each other's pain for a little while. I don't want him to leave.

The morning passes in a blur, first I'm dressing, then we're in the car, then we're standing together in the airport and his flight's being called. My feet are numb and I can't speak. Why does he have to go?

"Luke, your flight's been called. You need to go now." Is that my voice? I don't remember telling it to speak. Especially not to say that.

"I'm not going."

"Babe, you have to!"

"I'm not fucking leaving you! Do you know how long I waited for you? A fucking long time!"

"Luke, calm down. It's not forever-"

"Yes it is, and you know it!" he bellows.

My breath hitches in my throat. "No. Don't say that."

He shakes his head sadly and gazes down at me, his warm brown eyes dull. "It's just the truth. You know it. We cant-"


I draw my hand back quickly to cover my mouth and watch in horror as Luke slowly lifts one hand numbly to feel his cheek. Oh my god. I just smacked my boyfriend. I just smacked Luke! "I'm so sorry!" I cry, moving his hand to rest my own smaller, cold palm on his rapidly reddening cheek. "I'm so, so sorry Luke, I didn't mean it, I know this is hard for you too, I just..." I trail off, still in disbelief. Luke's expression doesn't change and I just look into his eyes, trying to show him how sorry I am. He bites his lip.

"No, you're right. I should be sorry." He says, still with that horrible blank, hopeless expression. I wish he would just show some kind of emotion. I bury my head into him and he wraps his arms around me, engulfing me in a hug. My tears pool up and spill over into his chest where he can't see. I feel his breathing hitch, like a little sob.

"Luke, what can we do?" I whisper and his lips gently press to my hair. There's silence, and then another dry choke comes from him.

"I don't know." he replies. "I don't know."

I dig my head into his shirt, breathing his cologne smell graciously. "I'll come visit you." I promise. "You can show me around LA, take me to the beaches there."

He breathes out heavily. "I'm so sorry. It was Miranda, she doesn't want us to have girls with us! She thinks they're distractions for us. I'll never be able to forget you. I won't see anyone else while we're apart, I swear to you. If you swear to me. And you'll come live with us, eventually. You'll see." He's choked up and I take a few shuddering breaths. Luke. Oh, Luke. How can we be apart? What will I do? He's the only thing that keeps me sane, his kisses, his touch, his voice. How long will it be? A few months? A year? More? I push that thought away as tears begin to pour again.

"Luke, you need to go now." I say in pain as I see Beau waving to him to hurry up. Jai's gone and Skip's with Ali.

"I'm not going."

"Luke, you have to. This is your future, your career, your fans! Go do what you love and when you're done, I'll be here waiting. I promise. I'll love you forever." I peck his cheek and he grabs my face, crushing his lips to mine, kissing me passionately, fiercely. Then he's gone, leaving me standing there with my eyes shut. And when I open them, all I see is his back, disappearing through the door.

He's gone.

I crumble.

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