Chapter XLV - Trouble in Paradise

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The next day I get up extra early before the show in the afternoon, before Luke wakes up, and leave the house at 7am in my sports clothes. It's light outside, but the sun hasn't quite risen yet, so hopefully I'll be able to go for a nice walk without getting burnt to a crisp.

Even though I'm definitely not a morning person, going for morning walks during the summer is something I've always loved doing. The morning is always warm but not scorching yet, and there's a cool breeze. These Brazilian neighbourhood streets are beautiful too, and although it's completely deserted where I'm walking, with not a house in sight, the scenery is nice and friendly looking.

The first landmark I reach is a little park, complete with a kids climbing frame and a small soccer pitch. I find myself wishing I'd woken the boys up. Suddenly thinking about the boys all the way at home gives me chills.

The park here is pretty deserted, I figure I've walked about 3km and haven't seen any houses. Trails, grass and occasional roads are about it in this direction. Luke did warn me about Brazil, and told me to be careful going out alone.

It's eerily quiet, and the sound of footsteps behind me catches my attention just as the arm is flung around my neck. Crap. I feel the cold metal of a blade against my throat and close my eyes in horror. I automatically hold my breath, but the knife is still tight against my neck, I can feel where it's pushing on my skin. The only thing I can take comfort in right now is the fact that, if this knife was reasonably sharp, the pressure being applied here would push it deep enough to kill me. And it hasn't.


I can feel myself sweating.

"Give me your money." He hisses into my ear. His breath almost makes me pass out. Oh, for fuck's sake. Can't I take a freaking walk without something like this happening to me?

"What if I don't have any?" I reply. Of all the fucking times you could be a smart arse, Meghan, you just had to choose right now.

"Give me your money or I'll cut ya fucking throat!"


"You're gonna be pretty disappointed then, when you have a murder on your hands and find I actually don't have any money anyway."

"I'll just have to look myself then, won't I?"

I take a shuddering breath when the knife is removed from my throat but my mind is already whirring. Even when he discovers I have no money, I don't believe he'll let me go. It really won't be that hard for him to hold up the knife again and force me to do whatever he likes.

The moment he slides the knife into a sheath on his belt, I whisk it right back out and in the same motion kick him as hard as I possibly can in the balls. Before he can even let out a groan, I'm off running back the way I came.

I was an athlete in my youth, not a brilliant one, but a pretty damn good sprinter. My athletics days come back to me now as I take off down the street. I don't even check behind me to see if he's following because I'm going as fast as I possibly can and I'm not going to stop any time soon.

About 800 metres later, I remember what I realized before. Our house is probably the closest building within 3km.

I'm a good sprinter, but distances - that's where I draw the line.

Fuck. Already my breathing is sounding raspy and I know if he catches me I will not be able to stab him effectively. Especially with a blunt knife. I try to pull out my phone while running and speed dial any of the first 6 contacts; the boys and Gina. As i turn and pull out my phone, I notice the man just up the road sprinting after me and shit myself, pressing my speed dials buttons frantically, thanking god for fingerprint recognition.

I almost run straight past him, but he yells after me and I turn and run back, spilling out my story as fast as possible. And Jai rolls up his sleeves and turns to face my pursuer.

*Author's Note*
I just want to say thanks to everyone reading this book and for all the votes and comments! I'm glad you like it, and it means a lot. I'm going through a hard time right now and coming onto Wattpad to see that you guys have left nice comments or voted for a chapter really helps to cheer me up :)
M xoxo

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