Chapter L - Real Heartbreak

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*Meghan's pov*

Once I'm outside, I lean my back against the wall and cry. I let the shudders wrack through me, jerking my body, making me take gaspy little breaths.

I can't believe I left Luke.

It's taking every ounce of my willpower not to turn back around and apologise. But I know I can't do that. It would be worse for me to stay with him. Lately he's been so far away, only recently he's been purposely nice and I'm just waiting for something to go wrong. He was out of order today. Call me insecure, but I need to feel like I'm safe, and comfortable. Which I haven't, recently. The only person, really, who I've ever always felt secure around, is Jai.

* * * *

* Luke pov *

I can hear Meghan through the wall, sobbing her heart out, and it kills me. If she's really that bothered about this, then why did she break up with me? I don't even know what I did wrong. All I know was that she was being really bitchy towards Kiana.

Kiana's my friend. We met in LA, on my first trip there, and I must admit she seemed pretty into me. I would also have to admit that if I didn't have Meghan, I may have returned her interest. She's a singer, trying to make it big in the music industry.

Meghan could be a singer. If she wanted to. I've told her that.

I guess I can understand why she's mad, I'm as jealous as that and more when she's with Jai. Jai and her have always been the perfect couple... I still sometimes wonder if she's dating me because I look like Jai.

I can't listen to her through the wall. I feel like I'm invading her privacy. I need to leave. She can stay here, I'll stay with Beau. I walk out the back way, and shut the door on her tears.

* * * *
*Three days later*

*Meghan's pov*
I thought the second breakup would be easier than the first, but I'm wrong. Last time it took 3 months before I really started to take in the whole situation. This time, it took three days.

I'm not sure what to do. It's the same as last time, nothing holds any interest for me. I'm even thinking in a monotone. I'm not really expecting this to last long, this is just to warn Luke of what could happen if he keeps playing up. Alicia and Mel are helping a lot, taking me places every day and night. I've even been texting Nicole, the late Serendipity member, quite often, and like always she's managed to help calm me down. She told me she broke up with her boyfriend and after seeing what we've all been doing, regrets leaving Serendipity. It's a shame, but in our opinions, irreversible.

Being back in Adelaide is really good for me, I feel at home here, and it's comforting to see familiar things around me. I lived here briefly when I was 13. I haven't talked to anyone from the tour recently, even though they probably won't have heard about our breakup yet.

I'm sitting beside the main road at one of my old favourite cafes, where my mum used to love taking us as kids. The city is gorgeous at night, and it's just gone seven. Suddenly, my ringtone goes off, loudly and obnoxiously playing This Fucking Song. It takes me a while to realise that it's mine. It's been a while since someone's phoned me.

The caller ID is Beau Brooks.

Wow, that's two shocks in less than a minute.

It takes some effort to answer, my finger hovers over the decline option before I take a deep breath and accept the call.


"Hi! Where the hell are you, Megs? Just because the tour is postponed doesn't mean you have to go into hiding!"

His voice is just how I remember it, and I laugh on reflex. Beau's an older brother to me, really, and I know I can trust him to protect me. "I'm just taking a break, Beau! Doing some touristy things, having a holiday!"

It's his turn to laugh. "Oh, okay, you're being a tourist. Ha ha. Well, how are you coping?"

My laughter stills. The question seems innocent, but it's not, really. There's a deeper meaning. "I'm fine, Beau. Really. I'm just relaxing a bit." He seems satisfied and let's out a sigh of relief.

"I was a bit worried, honestly. But you're stronger than you appear, aren't you?" He sounds proud, older-brotherly again. I don't agree with him though. If this is what strong feels like, I can't imagine the pain of weak.

I need to ask him. But I don't know if I'm strong enough.

The silence echoes between our phones.

"Meg? I'm gonna go now, I just wanted to check you're okay. Please feel free to come visit us sometime babe." He says with a laugh.


"See ya, Megzie." He says sweetly and suddenly I know I won't be able to relax without asking him.

"Wait, Beau!"

I wait to hear if he's already hung up.

A deep breath. "Yes, Meg?" He's speaking patiently, he knows what's coming.

"How's... Luke?"

He sighs. "I don't think you want to know, do you?"

"I do!" I plead. "Please, I have to! I'm strong, remember?"

I hear a heavy exhale from down the line. "Okay. Well, last time I saw him was about an hour ago. He was taking Miranda out for dinner."


"Honestly, I don't know what it meant, I really don't think it meant anything serious. I don't believe he could have gotten over you so quickly, he was whipped!"

I should've known it was coming. Before was nothing. This is what real heartbreak feels like. I'd almost forgotten.

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