Chapter XLIII - Interview

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"Babe..!" Luke whines. "Do a bigger flick, you know I like it like that!"

I roll my eyes, annoyed, and continue applying my liquid eyeliner in a simple, thin line. "Luke, we're going to a magazine interview. I'm not wasting my time drawing on even cat eyes to go to an interview."

He pouts like a little kid and I sigh. I continue applying my makeup, which starts to bore him and he leaves. It's their last interview in the UK, and the company has requested Luke and I for a change.

"Come on, hurry up!" Luke yells from the stairs and I quickly flick out my eyeliner, doing a small cat eye. The other one isn't completely even but I'm not fixing it, because I'll only make it worse. I pull my hair into a simple ponytail, leaving the curls to fall naturally. I'm wearing a floral patterned dress with white converse and I have round white sunnies. It's summer here and finally there's some proper, super hot weather. I grab my new Jimmy Choo bag that Luke bought me and just chuck in my phone and my camera.

The room here is so gorgeous, purple and blue, with the huge bed and massive windows. The view is amazing. Luke starts to yell again and I fling the door open and run all the way downstairs, right into his arms. There hasn't been a day for a few months when I haven't seen Luke and I can't imagine life without him now.

He spins me a few times before telling me to grab a muesli bar and hop in the car. Beau's driving us for once as it's just a few blocks down. Usually we'd need a driver, but honestly I'd rather downplay it and just have Beau take us.

I take a muesli bar from the bar and follow Beau out to the car where Luke's sitting impatiently in the front. He checks his phone obviously, then yells, "Beau, we have ten fucking minutes, you'd better break speed limits!"

Beau rolls his eyes at me. "I will!" He shouts back, and strolls casually up to the car, taking his time before jumping in.

* * * *

The studio is huge, the shadow covering us from about fifty metres out. Luke almost runs in, dragging me with him as I eat my muesli bar. We go straight to the front counter and Luke tells them our names. She puts us through a door behind the desk and we're in a large room with chairs scattered around. There's one lady here, sitting on a chair up by a mirror. She has a dark brown hair and big blue eyes, and a microphone in one hand. When she sees us, she jumps up and stretches out a hand to Luke.

"Hi there! I'm Fiona, and you must be Luke and Megan." She introduces herself enthusiastically.

"It's actually pronounced 'Meg - an', not 'Mee - gan'. But it's okay, everyone does it." I correct her with a smile, and she blushes.

"I am so so sorry Meghan!! I promise not to do it again!!" She gushes and I smile blandly, slightly alarmed.

"It's okay, seriously!" I insist, and Luke snorts with laughter beside me, grabbing my hand.

"Anyway, come, come, sit down!" Fiona ushers us over to beside where she was sitting and resumes her position. Once we're settled, she lifts her microphone. "So, I'm just going to ask you a few questions today for our magazine, okay?"

We both nod, and she beams. "Okay. Firstly, are you two actually together? Because the rumours going around... well, we want to put them right."

I grin. "Yes, we are together. The rumours that we broke up are just because Luke was in LA a while back while I was in Melbourne still. That was nothing though."

"We've always been together though. Those rumours were bullshit." Luke adds, then covers his mouth. "Fuck, I can't swear, can I?"

Fiona giggles. "No, but I'll let you off this once!"

Luke rolls his eyes and Fiona smiles.

"So basically, how this is gonna go, is it's pretty much a fan structured interview. We've had the questions sent in and now we're asking you them. So, let's just start!"

"Okay, this question is from the fans to Luke: What's something she does to annoy you? It doesn't have to be an action, it can be a sound she makes or something."

"Can it be a name she calls me?" Luke suggests, and Fiona nods enthusiastically.

"It can be anything really." She says quickly.

"Well, this is a nickname that usually I don't really mind, honestly, she can call me anything and make it sexy-" he catches my eye and fumbles quickly to continue, sparking a grin from Fiona. "-but when I'm in a bad mood, it really just pisses me off. She calls me 'baby Lukey', and just when I'm already pissed off she says it so patronisingly and it just drives me insane. Like, I've just landed in from LA and all I wanna do is take her home and fu- I mean." He freezes, trying to find something reasonable to say. "I want to- We wanna-"

I can hardly control my giggles spilling over as I watch him gape, lost for words. I know a few months ago he wouldn't even have tried to stop himself from saying that kind of thing, and it's this that makes me volunteer in, "We just wanna watch a movie or something."

His eyes find mine and silently thank me. I just bite my lip to not laugh.

"But I just wanna watch a movie or something and she knows I'm a bit uptight and she calls me it, to annoy me, and it just pisses me off!" Luke finishes, and he gives me a gentle punch on the shoulder. I retaliate with my own.

Fiona nods, trying to hide her smile. Luke's ears have started to go red and I'm suppressing giggles. "So, I've seen your 'Boyfriend Girlfriend Tag' video on JanoskiansBlog, and that was a huge hit, wasn't it? Are you planning on filming any more videos together?"

"It was surprisingly popular!" I exclaim. "And as you could probably tell from the video, it was a lot of fun to film."

"I really enjoyed filming and editing that video. I would absolutely love to do another collab, but this time on Meghan's channel." Luke adds.

"Meghan's channel? You have a YouTube?" Fiona asks in surprise. "May I ask what it's called?"

I blush. "Oh, it's just a small channel that I share with two of my best friends, called Serendipity."

Luke scoffs. "Just small my arse, the subscriber count has blown up to over 1 million!"

"Really?!" Fiona asks, intrigued. "How have I not heard about this?"

"She likes to downplay everything." Luke says. "She doesn't want to make a big deal out of anything."

Fiona nods. "Well hey, here's an extra little promotion then!"

I blush more. "It's fine." I mutter, embarrassed.

Luke pecks my cheek with his lips.

"We were wondering about Mel and Jai in the office, they haven't been sighted together much recently, any info?" She continues, and I duck my head down even further.

Luke takes over this one, and I silently pray my thanks to him. "There've been a few issues between them for a while, but they're trying to work it out. And that's all I'll say." He says shortly, and I think Fiona gets the message.

"Of course, of course. Now, there's another rumour we'd like to address, from the other end of the spectrum! There've been some rumours going around that you two... are getting married?" She dragged it out excitedly as if she was hoping they'd say yes just to please her, but my jaw literally dropped.

"I'm sorry but no, that is not true!" I laughed. "We're only 17 and 20!"

Fiona laughs too. "Okay, fair enough. But I hope we won't be waiting long..?"

Luke pulls a face. "Now, I don't know about that..."

Luckily, Fiona laughs again. "That's fine, I'm only kidding." She shuffles the papers on her lap. "To be honest, we really don't have that much more to ask. We just need you to film an introduction for us to put in the adverts, if that's okay?"

Both of us film a quick introduction, then Beau phones us impatiently and we say goodbye to Fiona.

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