Chapter XL - Message to the Janoskianators

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"Oh my god, Luke, I'm so freaking bored!" I moan, lying in a star shape across the hotel bed. We arrived about an hour ago but the hotel is mobbed and Ronnie has told is to stay inside for today. The room felt big at first but now just feels oppressive.

"I'm sorry Megzie but we can't leave!" He sounds so sad to let me down and it makes my stomach all warm and fuzzy, even though he used that nickname.

"I just feel so energetic! I need to do something. I know! Let's film a video!" I suggest excitedly and Luke perks up, his head lifting off his pillow.

"Yeah, okay! We can do the Boyfriend Girlfriend Tag, it's our most requested video. We'll put it on JanoskiansBlog, I haven't posted on that channel in forever!"

I grin and nod happily. "You set up the camera, I'll get up the questions!" I reach for my phone and flick it open, unlocking it with a few quick taps. Luke puts up his little tripod and screws the camera on top. It's such a cute camera.

"We'll just film on the bed." Luke says, "Have you got the questions?"

"Yep!" I say, excited. This is the first video I've actually been featured in. I've been in the background of plenty of videos, and been behind the camera a few times. I've even edited some of their footage. But I've never actually been a main part in a video.

Luke clicks the camera onto record and sits back on the bed next to me with a little bounce.

"Hey guys, it's Luke here on JanoskiansBlog, and today I'm here with my beautiful girlfriend, Meghan!"

I wave at the camera awkwardly, looking at Luke, who grins. Maybe I prefer being more behind the scenes on Janoskians videos. I can feel his fans judging me.

"As you can see, she's a little bit awkward in front of a camera. But anyway," he continues before I can interject defensively about Serendipity. "- today we're doing the Boyfriend Girlfriend Tag! So we have some questions on my phone, and we're just gonna get started!"

I stick my tongue out at the camera, then pick up the phone and read the first question.

"Where did we meet?" I put the phone onto my lap and look up at Luke. "I don't even know how to answer this!"

He laughs and shrugs at the camera, turning to look into the lense. "Well we probably met at my old house, when Hunter was with Beau, and we were toddlers! At least, as far as I can remember."

I nod at the camera. "Yup! Sounds about right!"

Luke picks up the phone next and reads, "Where was our first date?" He bites his lip and thinks. "Wow, that could've been a very long time ago..."

"How about we just do from when we officially began dating, almost two years ago! Because going by that, our first date would've been at the beach that night, when the moon was out, and we just walked..." I try not to look too dreamy but Luke is checking out my expression, grinning.

"What was your first impression of me?" I cover quickly, snatching back the phone. "I guess this one can be from as far back as you can remember."

He pulls a face. "How can I be expected to remember that?!" He yells, throwing his hands up.

"I remember!" I say quietly, giggling, and he turns to roll his eyes.

"Yeah, but you're a girl!" He says indignantly.

"Well, I'll answer it. I thought you were cute when you were quiet at first, but obnoxious and you thought you were cooler than you really were."

Luke shuts his mouth with a snap and stares at you accusingly. "Seriously? Seriously?!"

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