Chapter XXVIII - Fan Stampede

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The cab pulls up to the airport and Luke gets out from the front to open my door. Beau and James follow, at ease. I'm bouncing, my energy level on a high. How can they be so calm?! We're going to freaking LA!

Luke grabs my hand and when I look at his eyes, they're feverish as well, full of excitement. I think he's more excited for me though. Gina's taxi parks up next, and Mel gets out first. She looks as calm on the outside as the boys but I can tell that inside she's bursting. Jai comes out behind her and I can't help the twinge of jealousy when he holds her hand like he does.

The walk through the airport is quick but Skip, Luke and Beau hold us back at customs. Skip has what seems like at least 10 chains around his neck which takes him and Alicia a good 5 minutes to untangle and remove. Beau decided that he absolutely needed to bring the two gun-shaped candlesticks that he bought in Melbourne, which leads to his bag being seized and checked throughoughly before he can continue. Meanwhile, Luke walks back and forth through the metal detector three times, emptying his pockets and removing items of clothing each time before realising that it was his phone in his hand setting it off.

Once we're through all the dramas of customs, we're slightly behind schedule. It's 12:00, so there's an hour before we can board the plane. The girls decide to go wait in front of the terminal while the boys go grab some lunch. After much messing around on the moving walkway, Jai finally manages to lead them over to McDonald's.

At ten to 1, Gina starts to worry. They've opened the door to the tunnel, and a lady is standing at the desk ready to let us through. There's still no sign of the boys.

Gina phones each of her sons multiple times to no avail, and I call them all as well, just in case. Alicia's beginning to panic, and when the voice over the speakers tells us that our flight is available to board, she becomes frantic. Dialling Skip's number repeatedly, with each answering machine she gets more anxious and upset.

Suddenly, Gina jumps from her seat, alert, and points to the end of the corridor. "Is that Luke?!" She cries hopefully. I stand beside her and look down her finger to see my baby, sprinting down the hallway.

Mel squints at him. "Why the fuck is he running?" She asks in confusion. Jai comes into view beside him, then James, Beau and Daniel, and all of our faces relax in relief. Jai leads the way with Beau close behind, and Skip takes up the rear, running awkwardly with one hand at an angle. It takes me a moment to realise he's holding his lunch in the takeaway bag.

Suddenly Gina gasps, and I look to see what she's seeing. Rounding the corner at the end of the corridor is what seems like a hundred girls, all in a massive group, running full pelt after the boys. "Holy shit." Alicia breathes, gazing wide eyed. I tug her arm.

"Okay, let's get moving. We need to get into the plane, so that the boys can get through!" I pull her gently towards the counter, making sure to not put pressure on her belly. She follows me,but continues to gaze in horror at the mob approaching us.

"How did they know?" She asks me, eyebrows scrunched in the middle. I just shake my head.

"They'll always find out. They're not stupid. And the boys really love them for it, just not when they're in a rush, and have their girls with them."

"Holy fuck." is all that Mel says.

"Okay, go!" I lead Alicia to the desk and her ticket and passport are checked before she is ushered through. Gina goes next, then Mel, and by that time the boys have joined the line. There's no way they'll get all through before the girls catch up. Luke and I share a look that shows he knows that too. He grins at me though and I realize this won't be the first time this has happened. Almost on cue, Beau strolls to the front of the line and talks in a low, clearly charming, voice to the air hostess. In less than ten seconds, he's gesturing to the boys and I to join him. We all get our tickets checked from behind the counter then Beau holds up his phone and takes a selfie with the fans in the background before continuing into the plane.

* * * *

From Melbourne to LA we only take one stop off in Singapore and that's only for an hour. By the time we land in Singapore it's dinner time but we'll get dinner on the next flight. My stomach is rumbling. Flying makes me tired, and even though it was only a three hour flight, I'm sleepy and yawning. Luke has his arm around my shoulder and is holding my hands with his free one. Suddenly he laughs, and lifts up my hand. He lays my hand on top of his.

"Shit Meghan!" He laughs. My palm is almost half the size of his. I giggle too and stretch my fingers out. The tips of my fingers reach his top knuckle. Luke is losing it, and now Jai is comparing hands with Mel.

I think it's so cute how the twins have girlfriends that are best friends, and one of their best friends' girlfriends is another of ours. This whole journey would be so different if I were the only girl. And bringing my best friends with me to America is like a dream.

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