Chapter VII - Taking It Too Fast

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When we get back, it's quite late, almost 11, but no one's in the Brooks' house yet. I assume they've gone back to my house for drinks or something before walking back here. Luke unlocks the door and grabs my hand again to lead me inside. He heads straight for the couch against the back wall and brings me next to him.

"Thank you for tonight. It was amazing." I tell him quickly. Luke smiles.

"It was perfect." He leans over to me on the sofa and presses his lips to mine gently. It catches me by surprise so he barely moves his mouth for a moment, then I begin to kiss him back, moving in synchronisation with him. His tongue probes my lips and they part, giving him entry.

His tongue darts around in my mouth, caressing my own tongue before delving deeper, making me shiver. His fingers trail up my sides before resting on my waist, his large hands gripping just tight enough to hold me before him. I sling my arms over his shoulders, my fingers roaming through his curls, and feel him moan into the kiss. We continue kissing for a while, and his hands start to move over my body. After probably fifteen minutes, he breaks away and leans back against the couch. I'm a little offended until I notice his fingers fumbling with his zipper. My throat just seems to close up.

"Woah, Luke, we're on the sofa in your lounge room! Don't you think your family'll be a little... surprised to walk in on this?"

He mumbles something that sounds a lot like, 'I don't care,' and slides down his pants so he's just sitting in his boxers. I try not to look at his bulge. It's hard to avoid, so I decide to change track.

"Luke, I'm 15!" I say, sitting back a bit further from him.

He shrugs, still not making eye contact. "I don't see any problems so far..?" he says obnoxiously. Shit shit shit. I'm all for risks, but this is stupid. And I'm not ready. I can't breathe properly and my anxiety is kicking in big time. As I turn to face him, he pulls down his boxers. Oh, holy fucking shit.

"Okay, Luke, I'm sorry, but I refuse to do it with you right here and right now!"

He raises his dark eyebrows at me and puts his hand by his dick. I refuse to look down and just glare into his eyes. "So you will fuck me, but not here?" he clarifies.

"Yes. But..."

"But what?"

"But I'm only 15!" I say indignantly. We've known each other long enough that he can sense my fear beneath my aggression. His eyes soften instantly and he reaches his arms out to me, pulling me in for a hug.

"Baby, don't worry! It won't be sore, I'll make sure of it! If it gets bad, I'll stop. I promise." I hug him back, burying my face in his bare shoulder. It's an awkward hug with both of us facing sideways but I'd rather that than be sitting on his dick.

"So are we gonna wait?" I ask him after I've scooched closer again. He puts his arm around my shoulder and gestures to his package.

"Do I look like I can fucking wait?" he replies with a grin. I giggle.

"Put it away for now."

"Like hell!"

"Luke, put it away!"


"Luke, fucking put your cock back inside your pants!"

The door opens just as I jump up off the chair with my hands extended, palms up, in annoyance.  His family filters into the room, single file, as Luke replies,

"No I fucking won't! Come to the bedroom!" He doesn't even seem ashamed to see Gina, Beau and Jai watching him lay stretched out naked on the sofa. My cheeks flare red.

"What the fuck Luke?!" Jai yells, after taking in the whole scene. He's the only one that seems bothered. The others are walking into the kitchen as if nothing's out of the ordinary.

"Don't even try to make him act civilised, he won't listen to you." Beau says with a roll of his eyes, and walks through into the kitchen, Gina following with a quick glare at Luke, apart from Jai who still looks as if he's in shock. Beau turns round and gives Luke a wink just before shutting the door behind him.

I'm silent for a moment as I watch them go, then I spin to face the naked boy lying on the sofa behind me, grinning at his twin. "What the fuck, Luke?!" Jai repeats and Luke just smirks.

"Are you coming then?" he asks cheekily to me, sitting up.


"To my bedroom!"

"Um, how about fucking no?!" Jai shouts, shoving Luke's shoulder with one hand. Luke's face twists in anger and he jumps up, grabbing Jai's arm.

"I can do what I want! She's mine!" He snarls, and Jai's lip curls.

"If you're not gonna protect her, I sure as hell will!" He replies angrily, twisting free of Luke's grasp. The two boys stare each other down, then Luke just shakes his head furiously.

He turns to look at you with angry, accusing eyes. "Well fucking leave then!" he yells, gesturing with one hand to the door. I duck my head and scamper, scared of this Luke. I hate how in the space of 10 minutes he can change from being the most perfect boy I've ever known to someone I'm frightened of.

His angry face sticks in my mind as I shut the door of the house, and I dwell on it, sitting on the bottom stair, waiting for someone. There was no trace of my Luke in that expression, and that's what scares me. He's not the same person when he's angry. And he gets angry so easily...

I hear the door slam from behind me and footsteps hurry down the stairs. "Meghan?"

"Jai!" His arms envelop me and it feels so nice to be this close to Jai again, we've drifted apart since this 'thing' with Luke started and in this moment I feel so bad. Jai's always been there for me, to this day, putting my needs before his own. And even though I trust and love Luke, I'm so glad Jai intervened tonight when he did. I don't know how far that would have gone. And I don't really want to.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry about Luke, sometimes he fucking disgusts me!" His earnest brown eyes are full of shame.

"Don't worry, I'm fine! I'm just a bit shaken, but only because of how angry he got, I trust him completely. I'm so glad you arrived when you did though, I was scared." I bury my head into his chest, my eyes heavy, and feel him take a heavy breath.

"Come on. I'll drive you home." I hop into the car and we drive in silence, but not an awkward one. I let us into the house and Jai's sweet enough to follow me up until I'm in my bed.

"I'll always be there for you. When you think you have no one, you'll have me." He tells me as I smile sleepily, already drifting off. He keeps speaking quietly to me, but I don't really hear the words. Just as I sink into sleep, I think I hear Jai's quiet voice whisper, "I've always loved you." but do I, or is it a dream?

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