Chapter XXXVIII - What Does This Mean?

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*Meghan's pov*

"Megs? Do you have the credit card?" Luke asks me from across the room. He's spread out on the sofa checking last minute plans for the World Tour.

"Yeah babe." I pull out my phone and flick through the cards in the case. "Oh shit, it's in my handbag upstairs." We both listen, cocking an ear in the direction of our room. Upstairs is silent. "I reckon I'll be right to go check." I say, and Luke nods.

"I think it's over. One way or another." His face is sad but also kind of angry. I get the feeling he doesn't like the thought of Jai being single. I don't know what I think. I haven't had time to consider.

I walk up the stairs as quietly as possible, avoiding the creaky step and keeping my weight off the banister. It feels like not so long ago I was chucking a hissy fit about Jai having a girlfriend.

Our bedroom door creaks a little as I push it open and I'm extra quiet turning on the light. I almost shit myself when I see Jai stretched out across our bed, sleeping like an angel in a pool of fucking blood.

Any other situation I'm a screamer. But blood just makes me faint. I fight to stay conscious as I assess the situation. Breathing. Check. Colour in his face? Check. Conscious? Unsure.

I walk slowly and deliberately to the bedside, focusing on putting one foot in front of the other. When I reach the bed I take in the full situation. Jai just has some cuts up the sides of his hand and wrist, which are bleeding like hell all over our sheets. His face is tear stained and pale, but not like he's in trouble from blood loss, just that he's isn't sleeping well. My heart melts for him.

This is enough of an answer to the question for me.

I grab a tissue from my cabinet and fold it over to make a little pad, before grabbing my first aid kit from my handbag and bandaging up his injuries. When I'm done, I catch his brown eyes alert and watching me. "Hey, Megs." He whispers, his voice hoarse.

I give him a gentle kiss on the forehead. "Hey, baby Jai. How are you feeling?"

A tear slips out of his eye and I begin to apologize, catching it and sweeping it away with a tissue. "I feel crap." He moans. "I feel like the biggest fucking douchebag. And then I punched a hole in the wall and my hand hurts like a motherfucking bitch."

I brush a curl from his forehead. He looks so young right now, so vulnerable, it brings me back to my childhood. 6 year old Jai falling on the concrete and grazing his knees. 8 year old Jai, getting a footy to the face. 12 year old Jai, getting dumped by his first girlfriend. He still has the same big brown eyes, drooping heavy brows and puckered lips as he's always had. "It's okay, Jai, it's fine. You'll still be friends, and you'll find the one, the girl that's perfect for you. She's out there, she just doesn't know that it's her yet. And you don't know who she is, either."

His eyes hold mine, shining under the light, and I can notice the hazel tones clearer than ever. His tongue darts out to wet his lips. My hand stills on his face and I feel a strange falling sensation that I haven't felt in a long time. "But I think I know who she is." He says huskily. Then he kisses me.

Bam. No time to consider, or question. Jai. My best friend. Our lips were inches apart anyway, me kneeling by the bed, him lying right across to me. He just leans over and closes the distance. And it's incredible. His lips hold mine captive, enthralling and new, different to anything I've ever experienced. And I don't fight it. At the back of my head I see Luke, but it only takes some tiny changes for him to morph into Jai, then Jai is all I see. He fills my vision, he's everywhere, but mostly on my mouth. Then his hands grasp my face, and he pulls me onto the bed beside him and we roll until I'm on top of him, my hands in his hair, my lips molding to his.

His hands tug my hair, pulling my face closer to his and he pushes his hips to mine. We're so close, and I haven't felt this way before. But Luke. Luke. Jai. It's all Jai right now and I can't tear my focus away from his lips, warm and wet, catching mine along with my soul. Then his tongue begins to probe at my lips, and I let my mouth fall open a little involuntarily. I can't help myself. My body is reacting without thinking.

His hands caress my face and tangle in my hair, then slide down to hold my waist. I can't focus, and I can't help myself. Jai brings his hands lower to grip my bum and pull me up further to straddle him, and he raises his hips to mine. This is pretty close to as far as I've really gone with Luke. In 2 years, I got as far with Luke as I've got with Jai in 2 minutes. What does that even mean?!

Jai's hands pull mine gently from his hair and he places them under his shirt, on his chest. I don't question it. My mind is telling me that I should but I can't. His hands are back in my hair, tugging, and his lips are still locked with mine. It's different, with Jai.

He breaks off suddenly, trailing his lips off beside mine. "Is the door locked?" He asks softly.

"No." I whisper. And I can't lock it, because then I know what's coming. And Luke.

I roll off Jai quickly and run to the door. For a moment, my hand hovers at the lock. But I can't. "Jai, I'm sorry, but I can't do this!" I cry. He just crosses his ankles and puts his hands behind his head.

"Okay." And that's it. But I know it's not because he doesn't care. It's because he's confident he won't have to wait long.

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