Chapter XLI - Consequence

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A sharp knock on the door splinters my dreamy sleep.

"Meghan! Luke!" Jai bellows through the door. He sounds incredibly cross for so early in the morning. "Get your lazy arses up, we're driving up to the venue today!"

Luke groans but doesn't reply and I just roll over, putting my pillow over my head. Last night floats through my mind and a smile spreads across my face. It seems too magical to be reality.

Bang! Bang!

"It's fucking twelve o'clock!"

Luke pushes himself up onto his elbows, running his fingers through his messy curls. "Jai, fuck off!" He yells.

"No, cunt, get the hell out of bed!" Bang! It sounds like he kicked the door. Then he stamps off down the hall, his steps getting quieter and quieter.

When he's gone, Luke rolls over to face me, a smile on his gorgeous lips. He leans down to kiss my forehead, then turns over to straddle me, and kiss me again, harder.

"Last night was amazing, babe." He says softly, kissing me again gently on my lips. I blush and brush my hair back from my eyes in an attempt to look more presentable. I can feel my scarecrow hair though, and I know that I didn't wash off my makeup last night and probably look like a panda.

"Luke, last night you were amazing." He smiles again, so cutely, and his eyes light up. He hooks a strand of my hair around his finger and tucks it behind my ear, then travels his finger all the way down my jawline to tilt my head up. He leans down again, but just before his lips touch mine, the door opens so fast that it slams against the wall behind it.

Luke sits back against my feet and turns angrily to face the doorway. "Beau?! What the fuck is up with you all today?!"

Beau dances into the room, in a considerably more cheerful mood than Jai. He supermans onto the bed beside us, making us bounce up and down, then rolls to squish up right next to me. Luke shoves him in the chest, but Beau ignores him. He puts his arm around me, attempting to roll me into a spooning position, but Luke tears him away, telling him that he'll fucking smash him, among other profanities.

Beau then hops off the bed, moons us, and runs from the room yelling, "Get up you lazy bastards!" with his pants around his ankles. He slams the door behind him.

Luke rolls off me with a groan. "I suppose we should get up." He says, and he doesn't sound too thrilled. To be honest, I'm not either. The London show and meet and greet is on from two this afternoon, which I suppose I don't really have to be at, but I like to. With Alicia and Mel there, it's never boring. We like to wander amongst the fans, being noticed more and more often as the tour goes on. Since the world tour began, the Serendipity channel uploads have begun to get less frequent, which I did not want to happen, so maybe I'll film a video today. That would be fun, and it would give me something to edit on the plane flight to Scotland.

It's exciting to go to Scotland, my place of birth.

Luke waves his hand in front of my face. "Hey? Earth to Meghan?" He says, grinning, and I smile involuntarily.

"Yes, Pukey, what can I get you?" I reply sardonically, and he shoots me a withering look.

"I just asked if you wanted me to bring some breakfast up for you. But you were clearly in dream world." He says cheekily, but I ignore the sarcasm, noting the sweetness of the gesture. I nod.

"Yes thank you, I would love some... lunch." I finish flatly. "That's all they'll be serving now."

Luke purses his lips and pulls his lip ring between his teeth. "Damn. That's disappointing." He says in annoyance. "Well, would you like some lunch?"

"I guess so, thanks. Anything. I'm starving." I answer his unasked question as he opens his mouth. "I won't be too long." I add as he turns to leave the room.

"Okay babe, do you want to just meet me downstairs then?" He questions, and I nod again, already getting changed as he shuts the door behind him.

I get into a cute little outfit that I've had planned for a while now. At meet and greets, I feel like I should be wearing nice clothes, because there are so many gorgeous girls there that want my guy, and are judging my every move. I get judged enough by haters, I don't need Janoskians fans judging me too.

That's probably the worst thing about this life. Feeling that no matter what you do, you're never good enough for the people watching you.

* * * *

I'm sitting between Luke and Jai in the back of the limo for the drive to the the venue today. Luke is acting extra possessive, which makes no sense seeing as Jai's always been just a friend. Luke is holding my hand, stroking my thigh, kissing my hair, doing anything to ensure he never loses contact with me. It's kind of claustrophobic.

Jai, on the other hand, is so distant it feels like he's miles away. He hasn't spoken to me since his angry wake up call this morning, and he's only made eye contact with me once, to send me a glare that made me feel like I surely caught on fire.

I hate that.

When Luke was in his bad moods, or he was refusing to see anyone, I could count on Jai. Never once did he give up on me, or leave me. It was sometimes as if we read each other's minds. Not having Jai on this world tour is like jumping off a plane without a parachute, or jumping off a bridge without a bungee cord. Stupid, reckless and freaking suicidal.

I need him. He's my best friend.

That's what powers me to reach over and tap his shoulder. At first, I don't get any flicker of notice. Then, on my second tap, he turns angry brown eyes on me. Jai eyes, not Luke eyes. So very different. But rarely have I seen Jai's eyes filled with a rage like this. It's usually Luke's.

"What do you want?" Jai asks tautly, his shoulders stiff. I see Luke turn out of the corner of my eye, but ignore him.

I focus on keeping my expression calm. "Jai, what's up? I know when you're mad, and when you're hurting, and this is both. And you're both at me." My voice almost gives way at the end and I swear I see his eyes flicker with compassion before filling once more with that horrible stony expression.


No more. Just a one word answer.

"Jai!" I almost wail. "Please speak to me! I'm sorry!"

Jai shakes his head. "No, you aren't. You're not sorry."

My bottom lip trembles. "How do you know I'm not sorry! If you tell me why you're mad, I might feel sorry! If I know what hurt you so bad, I might feel sorry about it!"

Luke tugs on my arm. "Meg, drop it."

I pull away in irritation. "Luke, leave me for two seconds. This is important!"

Luke's face falls and my heart pangs. At the same time I notice Jai's face light up slightly. Goddammit, why is it every time I please one, I hurt the other?!

That question is my answer. I know why Jai is mad. And he's right. I can't feel bad about it, because it was the best night of my life.

Jai's mad because Luke took my virginity.

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