Chapter XLII - Everything's Gonna Be Alright

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He was in the room next door. I don't know how much he heard, but clearly enough. Part of me is embarrassed, but I feel more guilty. This clearly hurt Jai.

I remember how protective he was when Luke first tried to do it with me, on Hunter's birthday. He freaked out when Luke suggested it, granted Luke was naked from the waist down, but Jai became very... possessive. But Luke waited, so well. For an almost 20-year-old, waiting almost 2 years for sex is pretty damn impressive and surely Jai could be happy that he'd waited so long so patiently?

I flinch when Luke squeezes my hand, yanked from my thoughts. He tugs me to him but I resist automatically, leaning to Jai.

"Jai, I'm sorry!" I plead. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, or warn you, but I'm fine! You can trust Luke!"

Mel, James and Beau in the row in front of us are trying so hard to pretend like they aren't eavesdropping but James has tilted his head slightly around and Mel's chewing on her lip, her eyes flickering up and back. This is incredibly selfish of Jai, I realise. Whether he's just protective of me or he's jealous, this is bound to be causing some kind of discomfort or even pain to Mel. For him to have the nerve to throw a fit at me doing stuff with my own boyfriend when god knows what him and Ari got up to when his girlfriend was halfway across the world! And how he tried to fuck me after he'd just broken up with Mel, the hypocrite. I could never choose between Jai and Mel, but this isn't fair.

"Jai, you know what, I don't know what your problem is but you're being extremely selfish! You have no right to get all stroppy with me because my boyfriend and I had sex. That has nothing to do with you. You can't be angry at me for something as innocent and normal as this, when you were up to all kinds of stuff with Ariana while your own girlfriend was on the other side of the world! He's waited almost 2 whole freaking years for last night and it was worth it, but you're ruining it! I trust you with my life and always have, you're my longest friend I've ever had. If you can't trust your twin brother and one of your best friends, then I just don't know what." I'm breathing heavily when I finish and Jai's expression has softened to look guilty, and Mel has turned to give me a grateful smile. Luke has wrapped his arm around me again and relief fills me. Finally I've done something right.

Ronnie yells out awkwardly from the front seat to tell us that we've arrived, and I reach out to grab Jai's hand briefly and share a grin, his apologetic, mine accepting.

* * * *

"Hi! Hey! Yeah, sure!" I pose for a photo with a group of girls in the line, and take the selfie on her blue iPhone 5c. "Cool phone!" I compliment her and she blushes, thanking me.

Mel's sitting back in the dressing room but unexpectedly, Alicia decided she wanted to come along. I didn't push it. She's slightly further ahead, laughing with a blonde girl who could be her twin. I saunter up towards them. The blonde turns to me in shock. "Omigosh I love you!" She squeals, and I cover my ears, laughing. "I sooo ship you and Luke, you're my favourite couple!!"

"Thank you!" I giggle. I love fans, their enthusiasm is amazing. Especially Janoskians fans. "Who's your favourite Janoskian?"

Her eyes widen, and she stares at the ceiling, rocking a little. "Don't ask me that, omigosh, I can't choose! Jai."

Alicia and me both laugh. "Do you want a picture?" Ali asks, and the girl looks like she's about to pass out as she holds out her phone. She's gone 50 shades of green. We take a few selfies, pass her phone back and exchange hugs, then move on.

By the time we make our way to the door, we've met pretty much everyone in the line, or as many as possible. Then we slip into the boys' photo room and stand by the camera man.

The boys are mucking around, being themselves, with a little brunette sitting in between James and Luke. She has her arm around Luke and I feel simmering in the pit of my stomach. Snap out of it, Meghan.

I turn my attention instead to the camera screen and watch the photographer capture the photos. The last photo with the brunette catches my attention. James is the only one looking at the camera and both Jai and the fan are moving, leaving them blurred. I lean to the photographer. "Excuse me? Is that the only picture of her that you got?" I ask as politely as possible.

He turns dark eyes to me in exasperation. "Yes." He says brusquely.

I crinkle my eyes in disbelief. "Well, would you mind taking it again?"

"Sorry miss, we're on a very tight schedule."

"And do you know that these girls pay for a decent photo, and their money is what pays your wages!" I yell, annoyed. The boys are watching us now and Luke stands up to come beside me. I hold up one hand in his direction and he stops, amused. The brunette is still sitting beside James, talking.

"Look, miss, I understand that, but as long as there's some kind of picture showing that they were with the boys, that is all I'm being paid for." He says bluntly.

My eyes roll like a natural reaction. "Um, no. You know what?"

His eyes taunt me. "What?"

"I'll do it myself!" I snatch the bottom of the tripod and pull it towards me. When he lunges, I hold up my other hand. "Calm your farm. You're still getting paid. I just want to give these girls what they deserve."

There's silence, then Luke wolf whistles and the boys break into applause. I roll my eyes again. "Thanks boys, but really, we are on a tight schedule."

"Take a bow! Take a bow!" Luke yells, cupping his hands around his mouth. The guard at the door pokes his head in the room just in time to see me bow, laughing, and he whistles everyone to attention, tapping his watch. I grin, saluting.

* * * *

It's the first time I've watched the boys perform, and it's worth it. It's only the second time they've performed at Wembley, the first being Janofest when I was stuck in Melbourne.

They all look so at home up there, singing and yelling and mucking around. Alicia, Mel and I are standing side stage with our hands linked, just exchanging excited looks every now and then. I can see the pride even in Mel's eyes. Somehow, it feels like everything's gonna be alright.

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