Chapter XXXIV - Drug Bust

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"Get down on the floor!" the front door slams open and against the wall and a large group of DEA officers force their way into the lounge room. My jaw drops as they physically push Skip onto the ground, and tie his hands behind his back. Mel jumps out of the way, standing beside me.

"Luke, what the fuck?!" I ask Luke in a panic, and he just shakes his head in horror.

"Is there anyone else in the house?" An officer bellows at Luke, Jai and I and we nod anxiously. I cling to Luke's arm and he strokes the back of my hair reassuringly, joined by Jai's hand, strong on my shoulder. "Who? And where?" the man yells, and Luke stands up to gesture but the officer pushes him back. "Stay still!" he warns. "And put your hands in the air! Now tell me where they are!"

"They're upstairs, in the room on the first right. There's 4 people." Luke answers calmly with his hands up.

"Now get down!" Another man yells, pointing at the floor. I whimper as we get down and Luke quickly reaches over to give me a one-armed hug and a reassuring glance. "Keep your hands to yourself!" Someone yells and Luke yells back,

"Jesus, I'm just helping out my girlfriend!"

"Luke, don't!" I plead as the man comes over and pushes Luke right down.

"WE KNOW WHAT YOU'RE UP TO! DON'T TRY AND LIE!" One officer yells as he holds Daniel's shoulder.

"What are we up to?" Luke asks, and the officer pushes him more forcefully into the ground.

"We've had a tip off that you have drugs here!" The first officer in replies unkindly, heading up stairs. Now crawl to the hall!" he shouts at us and I begin to crawl to the door, Luke and Jai right beside me, Skip slightly ahead, Mel just behind. Beau bursts into the room now from the stairs, closely followed by James, Gina with Ali clinging to her arm, and a bunch of uniformed cops. Mel looks reasonably calm, while Gina is sobbing uncontrollably, like me and Ali. I can't hold back my fear and tears are rolling down my face. Why the fuck are the DEA here?! We don't use drugs! Is all I can think.

That's what Beau's saying too. As the officer that pushed Daniel is telling him to get down, he just keeps yelling back, "We've been framed! Someone's framed us!" He's still forced down though, along with the rest of them.

Once we're all in the hall, they make us kneel against the wall with our noses touching it. I'm between Luke and Skip, both who are pale and subdued now. I can hear people rummaging around upstairs and I begin to sob again as I imagine them nosing around ruthlessly in Luke's and my beautiful room, through all our possessions and memories. Luke shoots me a pained glance and reaches his hand out to touch my shoulder but a cop smacks it with his gun and gets out a pair of handcuffs. Luke swears and cradles his hand, which is already red and starting to swell. When the cop begins to cuff his hands behind his back he kicks up a fuss, fighting and yelling. "Keep your fucking hands off me, I've done nothing wrong! Get the fuck off!" the cop locks his hands behind his back and pushes his head into the wall, smashing his nose up against it. I see blood start to run from his nose, and both me and Gina start to cry more, Gina pleading with Luke to just stay quiet.

"JACKPOT!" I hear someone yell from upstairs and I sink down into the wall more, tears streaming uncontrollably. A bag hits the floor behind me, followed by two more. I can't bear to turn around but I don't need to. An officer pushes between me and Skip and holds a huge bag up to both of our faces.

"Do you know what this is? DO YOU KNOW?!" He yells right into my ear and I start to shake, frightened and despairing.

"Yes! M-marijuana!" I reply through my tears and I hear Gina's wail to my left.

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