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Mina POV


Were all on way to the company but we at a stop at the moment so it's just us members. I felt Tzuyu nudge me. I looked at her. She pointed to the back and at a camera. 

"ooo what dose this button doo?", Momo asked pressing a button.

A big tv popped up and there was me and Tzuyu in the back. Shit.


Tzuyu covered her breast with her shirt.

"Why", Mina whined.

Tzuyu sighed and just removed the shirt.

"Thank you".

Mina once again began kissing on the youngers body and up to her lovers lips. She pecked them before getting off Tzuyu. Tzuyu put her bra on while seeing Mina on her phone. Tzuyu took the phone and put it down. She pressed her lips against Minas and they slowly ended up on the floor having the blanket over them. Mina's lip's separated allowing Tzuyu to slide her tongue in. Mina moaned due to the kiss. Tzuyu pulled away smirking before leaning closer to her ear. She began planting little kisses on her neck. Tzuyu continued to kiss down holding onto her lovers waist. Tzuyu's fingers unbuckled Mina's jeans pulling it down then lowered Mina's knickers a bit. She kissed close to Mina's pussy. Mina arched her back feeling Tzuyu close to her pussy. Tzuyu smirked before kissing back up to Mina's neck then back to her pussy.

"Your teasing!".

Tzuyu smirked.

"Beg for it", Tzuyu said.

Mina lifted her hips us as Tzuyu pulled down her jeans along with her knickers. Tzuyu brought her lips closer to Mina's pussy and just kissed above. Mina let out a breathe gasp.

"Please...pleasee just do it", she said.

Tzuyu unclipped Mina's bra.

"I'm begging you to ju--".

Tzuyu whispered in her girlfriends ear as she just played with Mina's breast.

"I need it Baby".

"So bad", Mina said.

Tzuyu pecked her lovers lip before going down to the pussy. Tzuyu inserted her tongue inside of her lovers. Tzuy came up to Mina's lips kissing her. All sudden Tzuyu put two fingers into Mina's pussy. Mina moaned causing their lips to part, Tzuyu enter her tongue in. Mina gripped onto the blankets. Mina pulled out the kiss, moaning Tzuyu's name. Mina lean my head back before wrapping her leg's around Tzuyu's own, as Tzuyu bring her down . Tzuyu pecked Mina's forehead as she pulled her fingers out. Tzuyu brought them up and licked Mina's juices.


All the members looked at us.

"Sana I thought you said Mina's top. Cleary it's Tzuyu here", Jeongyeon said.

"I don't think your realized. Mina was on top of Tzuyu before", Sana said.

"Guy's let not embarrass them. They just needed something. And didn't know there was cameras", Dahyun said.

"Sorry for pressing the button", Momo said.

I just laid my head onto Tzuyu's lap hiding my self. Should've checked the area.


I feel so embarrassed they saw us like that. I can't even look at Tzuyu. And right now I'm hiding myself in her bed. 


She climbed into bed with me.

"You haven't looked at me since they saw that", she said.


"It's okay. Your embarrassed we got caught", she said hugging me from behind.

I faced her cuddling her back.

"Let's stick to warm cuddles. It suits us better", she said.

"Yeah. Cuddles are better", I said snuggling into her.

"Can I have a night kiss?", she asked.

I looked up at her. I smiled and pecked her lip.

"night", she said pecking my forehead.


Short Chapter just on Mina POV

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