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Mina POV

Everyone was in the living room sept from Jihyo. I remembered yesterday Tzuyu left me to go to Jihyo. 

" Tzuyu ", I whispered.

" mhm ".

" Why where you in Jihyo's room? ", I asked quietly.

" I saw her crying, so I wanted to check if she's okay ", She responded.

I hugged her.

" So kind hearted ".

" Jihyo's finally up ", Nayeon said.

Jihyo went straight to the kitchen.

" Do you know what was funny ", Nayeon said.

" What? ", Dahyun asked.

" Im my dream all I heard was weird kisses noise ", She said.

" Must be dreaming about kissing Jeongyeon ", Tzuyu said.

" Ya! ".

" What did the kissing noise sound like? ", Momo asked.

This is some weird conversation.

" Well Tzuyu and Mina are the only couple here so-- ".

" You know there's many way's of kissing how are they meant to know which one? ", Sana asked.

" Who said we were going to kiss in front of you guys ", I said.

" Just do it were not gonna judge ", Chae said.

I had a feeling of what Nayeon was trying to say what she heard.

" I got it ".

I faced Tzuyu.

" Eh ".

Short kisses but constantly. I did exactly that.


I pulled away and went back to cuddling her.

" Yoda is a bit red ", Dahyun said laughing.

I notice Sana wasn't here instead she was over in the kitchen where Jihyo was.

" Dahyun did you and Sana sneak in my room to do that to annoy me? ", Nayeon asked.

" Noo we were sleeping ", Dahyun responded.

" Who the fuck was kissing at 1:05 am ", Nayeon shouted.

I got up and pulled Tzuyu up with me and pulled her into the bedroom.

Jihyo POV

" Morning babe ".

" Where did you go? ", I asked.

" Back to Dahyun before anyone got suspicious. Plus Nayeon thinks she was dreaming about kissing Jeongyeon ", she said.

" Who the fuck was kissing at 1:05 am!! ".

She was up but only heard the kissing. I felt her pull me closer to her.

" Don't complain ", she said and quickly pecked my lip.

" You-- ".

" Longer ", she said smirking.

" SANA!! ".

She let go off me.

" Love you ", she said and went over to Dahyun.

This is a very short Chapter

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