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Mina POV

I walked out my bedroom. 

"You guys seen Tzuyu?", I asked.

"She's still asleep", Dahyun said.

Chaeyoung came up to me.

"I'm sure she'll forgive you", Chae said.

I said some really rude things to her. And now she's not even sleeping with me. She stopped looking after me. I decide to make Tzuyu breakfast.

Maknaes room

The way she was cuddling my penguin teddy was adorable. I waddle up to her bed after putting the food on the table. 

"Baby", I said.

She slowly woke up.

"I'm sorry for the words I said. I don't mean anything I said to you", I said.

She pulled down on the bed and cuddle me.

"It's okay. I know it was the periods fault", she said.

"Still sorry. I don't even know why I was like that. I've never been that moody", I said.

"Maybe cause I wasn't next to you", she said.

"Maybe so. Everything's better with you", I said.

She smiled.

"I smell food. You made it right", she said.

"Yeah. Didn't know if you'd forgive me so easily so I made breakfast", I said.

"Ayioo I love you", she said.

"I love you too".

Dance Practice

Most of us took a break from dancing but Tzuyu and Momo didn't. I pulled my phone out and just recorded Tzuyu. She completed the dance and went to start again. I got up walking toward her and tapped her shoulder. She stared at me confused. I gave her my phone. 

"Recording yourself will always help", I said back hugging her.

I heard the manager's squeal. We got used to the mangers being like that. But it still makes me feel shy. I didn't care how sweaty Tzuyu was I just wanted to hide my face, so I used her hair to cover me as my head was just next to her neck. Out of a habit I pecked her neck. I noticed her flinch, but it's most probably because I haven't kissed here for a while. 

"Okay everyone back to formation", Jihyo said.

I let go of Tzuyu and went to my position.

"What did you to Tzuyu? She turned red", Sana asked.


I smiled unconsciously knowing that she had turned red. Perhaps we need to have some alone time tonight. 

"Your smiling that's creepy", she said.

I just rolled my eyes and concentrated on when the music will be played. 

Tzuyu POV

When she kissed my neck all of a sudden it made my heart just beat irresistible. It's been a very long time since she kissed me there, I miss the feeling of the tingling sensation through my body. 

"Tzuyu you need to put the phone down", Dahyun said nudging me.


I put the phone down on the couch then went back to my position. 

Late at night (Dorms, Living room)

It was just me and Mina. Just remembering her kissing my neck just making me want to feel it. 

"You were sensitive earlier".

"I uhmm".

I stopped what I said as she was on top of me. 

"You miss that feeling right", she said.

I shyly nodded. 

"I'll bring back the feeling as long as your quiet okay", she said.


Her lips were once more on my neck. I've missed it so much. My fingers ran through her hair as she began to suck. I know I said I'll be quiet I tried to bite my lip to stop it from coming but Mina is just so good with what she does. I let out a quiet moan. 

"Am I too good for you to stay quiet?", she asked.

I nodded my head.


I'm glad Onces accepted us for who we are. We didn't let us dating each other affect our career. Sana and Jihyo finally announce they were dating so did 2yeon. And Momo finally mustered up the courage to tell Dahyun she likes her which led to some problems between her and Chaeyoung. But they fixed it. Chaeyoung's dating y/n. And Momo's with Dahyun. 

Thank you guys for reading this. I hope you guys enjoyed it (:

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