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Mina POV


I felt something on my head. I moved my hand to what it was to realized it was Tzuyu's hand. Her hand wasn't there before. I was shocked when I felt the hand intertwined with mine. I looked at her. She was up. 

"Morning", she said.

I carefully hugged her. 

"I thought you wasn't going to wake up", I said.

"He wasn't that strong", she said.

I hugged her tighter.

"He still hurt you. And your stupid for jumping out a moving vehicle", I said.

"We do stupid things for love".

"Tzuyu can go home today. When you decide you want to get off", Manger nim said.

I got off her. I just want to go home and cuddle in her bed and watch videos.


"So Sana found a camera in the bathroom", Nayeon said.

How did he even get into the house?

"Also welcome back home Yoda".

"Yeah yeah. I'm going to sleep".

She pulled me into the maknaes room.

Her room

"Are you actually tried?", I asked.

"No, I just want to be with you alone", she said.

We laid down on the bed.



"I didn't know your were good at punching people", I said.

"I didn't know either. I've never hit someone".

"I'm so glad you came", I said hugging her.

"I still didn't get here in time", she said.

"You still stopped him".

"mhm but I wish you didn't have that happen", she said.

"And how did he get a camera in the bathroom. He's just. I swear i would kill him".

"Ani no killing. I need you to be sleeping beside me. Not sleeping in a jail cell".

"I'll be by your side till your head get's better by the way", I said.

"It doesn't hu-- okay it hurt's just a little", she said.

"Just rest okay. I'll be right here", I said.

"mhm. Where's my kiss?", she asked.

I smiled and just pecked her lip.

"Just a peck?", she asked pouting.

"Should've made it clear that you want me to kiss you longer", I said.

"Well I'm stating it n---".

I cut her off. It was passionate and full of love.

"There happy", I said.

"Of course, just having you beside me makes me happy", she said and smiled.

I blushed and hid my head under the blanket. I slowly popped my head up.

"So what dog video are we going to watch. Now your not shy?", she asked.

"Anything. They are all cute anyway".

All sudden Kaya and butter came onto the bed. The TV popped up in front of us. And we got comfortable. She's my cuddling toy. Kaya and butter fell asleep at the end of the bed along with Ray who just showed up. I notice Tzuyu was falling asleep. Ayioo. I help lay her head down on the pillow and not waking her or the dogs up.

"Night", I said pecking her forehead before laying next to her.

Just a short chapter on Mina's POV

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