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Mina's POV

Me and Tzuyu didn't go far last night. We didn't have sex. It was just little make out session to be honest. I didn't mind not having sex since I just like us to be cuddly with each other. It's what we like to do. And Tzuyu's just an adorable baby still even if she's 21. She still asleep so I left not to wake her up because I wanted to watch something. TWICE TV "I can't stop me" Comeback week #2. I clicked on it. The only reason I'm watching it, is to check what I heard when Tzuyu was speaking to Nayeon. I was corrected. Why was she even looking at Nayeon's lips?

"Morning", Momo said.

"Morning", I responded and put my phone down and went back into the maknaes room.

Maknaes Room

I went over to Tzuyu's bed. She was bottom bunk, so I didn't have to climb or anything. I wanted to moan at her. But then I remembered her being an adorable cutie making Nayeon just laughed her head off. I decided to climb into the bed. I think I woke her up.

"Where did you go?", she asked sleepily while hugging me.



She fell back asleep on me. I smiled and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep with her.

Tzuyu POV

I'm finally awake and for some reason I feel like Minas mad but she's not.

"Right, we have something to talk about", she said coming into my bedroom.

It was the serious face, so I knew it was important.

"About??", I asked confused.

She came to the bed and sat in front of me.

"You can only be looking at my lips", she said.

"Nobody else's", she added.

I think this was when I said Nayeon lips were pretty right?

"Understood", I said.

"Good. I want to be madder, but I can't cause you were adorable", she said pouting.

"There is drama!", Nayeon said bursting into the room.

Were turn our heads to her.

"You guys really not interested in the drama?", she asked.

"No", we said in unison.

"No wonder you two are together. You are similar in personality", she said leaving the room.

Me and Mina just laid down. Maybe it's a good thing were similar, because we will understand each other. Were each other's happiness, safe place. 

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