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Mina POV

Twice Dorm

" Mina unnie what are you watching? ", Chae asked sitting next to me.

" Umm our stage performance ", I responded.

" Tzuyu's fancam ", she said smiling.

" Yaa don't tease me. I'm older than you ", I said turning red.


I felt so embarrassed and covered my face with a pillow and got up. I went into my room.

My Room

I hid underneath my quilt. Till it got pulled off. 

" Mina-ah ".

" Ani, I'm embarrassed ".

" Then I'll join you ".

I pop my head out and she was laying next to me. I hugged her.

" I watched your fancam to. You keep showing your shoulder ", she said.

" It slips off... ".

" Your killing a lot of your stan's ", she said and looked at me.

" You too with your stare into the camera's ", I said and my eyes went to her lips.

I leaned into kiss her but as our lips were about to touch we got interrupted.

" HEY LOVER BIRD'S. DINNER'S READY ", Nayeon shouted.

I waited for her to shut the door before I put my lips onto Tzuyu's. I quickly pecked her lip then smiled. She pouted. I kissed her again but a tiny bit longer.

" Yaa your food is getting cold ".

I pulled away and turn red. We got caught kissing. 

Tzuyu POV

Dinner table

Well Jihyo caught us kissing. We don't often kiss because off the member's. We just feel shy when the other member's are there.

" Jihyo why do you look so red? ", Dahyun asked.

Is it because she saw me and Mina kiss? I looked at Mina and she seemed to be in her own world. Sometimes I wonder what she's thinking.

" No reason ", Jihyo responded.

" Tzuyu did you get your kiss? ".

I forgot Nayeon walked at that moment. I went shy and covered my face. 

" Ayioo. Sometimes I wonder how did you and Mina even get together when your so shy ", Momo said.

I wanted to just go and hide my red cheeks. 

During the Night

I couldn't sleep, so I got up and went into the kitchen shocked to see Mina up too. 

" Can't sleep? ", I asked.

She nodded her head before hugging me. 

" Only option is we sleep on the couch ", I said.

" That will do ".

We got comfortable on the couch. I slowly feel asleep in her embrace. I also fall asleep so quick when I have her holding me. 

Short Chapter

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