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Mina's POV

I woke up alone and my head ws hurting. Why did I drink?


I looked over at the door and saw Tzuyu. I got out of the bed and hugged her.

"I was gone for 2 minutes and you miss me so much already", she said.

I looked up at her.


"Hey you two pdnim want's to speak to you two", Jihyo said.

Pdnim office

"Your not in trouble don't worry", he said and smiled at us. 

We sat down.

"Is this about last night?", Tzuyu asked.


"Wait what happened last night?", I  asked.

"You exposed us", She said.

I felt guilty. Pdnim laughed.

"Anyway so what I wanted to say was as long as you two are happy then that's all that matter's", he said.

"How did I expose? I don't remember anything", I said and looked at Tzuyu.

"Look at the tv", pdnim said.

I looked at the tv.


" i gEt jEaLouS wHen TzUYu pAys MoRE aTtentiON TO oThers ".

" bAby ".

Mina cupped Tzuyu's face. Tzuyu removed her hand's and she pouted. Tzuyu placed a kiss on the older's forehead.

I hid my face out off embarrassment. 

"Well that's I wanted to say. You two can go back to the dorms", he said.

"Thank your sir for accepting it".

"Love is something not just between man and women. Is something we should all learn to accept and let people love who they want", he said. 

Outside Pdnim office



She hugged me. I smiled and return it.

"Your really cute when drunk", she said.

"What else did I do?", I asked.

"You pulled me down onto the bed and used me as a mattress".

"Well I'm not drinking again", I said.

"Hey you two", manger nim said.

We went up to them.

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