Collecting a debt

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Anthony's POV

I am sitting here in my office as I just finished having a quick lunch time "session" with one of my many flings, when my father and brother walk into my office. Usually it's one or the other but it has never been the two of them. This has to mean that it is time to go and collect a debt or payments from people who owe us. I am the soon to be head of the Romano Mafia family. I won't be taking over until my father is ready to retire. My fling is still sitting on my lap when they walk inside. My brother doesn't approve of what I do but he knows better than to open his mouth to me.

"It's time for your little friend to leave Anthony. We have to discuss family business" my father says to me.

My fling decides it's time for her to whine. She must think that this will make me let her stay but it is doing the exact opposite.

"Lala it's time for you to go" I tell her.

She knows better than to disrespect me in front of anyone let alone my father and brother, so she leaves as she is straightening up her outfit.

"Okay so what's going on? You both never come in here together unless it is important, so what's going on?" I ask of them.

"Well son, Mr. James who borrowed money from us a while ago hasn't made any attempt to try and pay us back. So it's time to go collect our money and when you and your brother are done, we need to discuss you taking over the mafia" pops says to me.

Matteo and I gather everything that we will need to collect the money we are owed and we head out to our armored suv and ride to the James residence.

"Any clue to what pops wants to talk to me about?" I ask curiously of my brother.

"Like he said, he wants to discuss you taking over the mafia. Maybe he has finally decided to retire and hand it completely over to you", he tells me.

Knowing how my pops operates he has something up his sleeves.

We make it over to the James' home and there aren't any cars in the driveway. I walk up to the front door and decide to knock on it.


I hear someone walking towards the door and I see this gorgeous woman answer the door.

"Can I help you gentlemen"? She asked

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"Can I help you gentlemen"? She asked.
"Where's your father? He owes us money that he hasn't even tried repaying us." Matteo tells her.
"My father isn't here. He told me he wouldn't be back until late or whenever he decided to come home". She responds.

She's got attitude and spunk.

"Well he owes us a lot of money" I tell her.

"All I can tell you is that I can have him call you when he gets home. He doesn't believe in cell phones so I wouldn't be able to call him up." She tells us.

"Tell him we need to talk to him and it needs to be soon, alright princess?" I tell her.

She slams the door in our faces and we head back to the house.

When we finally arrive back home, we go to pops office and sit down. We tell him that Mr. James was t home but his daughter would tell him to get ahold of us when he gets there.

"So you are probably wondering why I need to speak to the both of you guys?" He ask the two of us.

It has always been myself and my brother, he's going to be my second in command when I do take over.

"I mean it has crossed my mind." I tell him.

"Well I am looking to retire here by the next year or so." He says.

"So that means I'll be taking over when you are retired" I ask him.

"Well son, in order for you to take over the mafia, you have to get married." He tells me.

"Hahaha me get married. Yeah no that ship has sailed a long time ago. Why do I need to get married?" I state.

"This is how it has always been. It was this way before your great grandfather took over and when your grandpa took over and when I took over. Either you get married and it last for a year or I hand it over to your brother. Your choice". He states to me.

I get up and walk out the office. I'm pïssed. I do not want to get married. I did 5 years ago but the chick I wanted to marry cheated on me with our rival. Hence why I refuse to ever get married and I sure as hell don't want my brother to get what's rightfully mine.

Matteo's POV

"He will see it my way. It's mainly to get him to stop his ways. He's leading all his flings on by them thinking they'll get the title of wife". Pops says.

"You know he won't make it easy for his "wife" I tell pops.

I get out the office and as I'm walking into the kitchen, I see Anthony texting someone. It's most likely one of his flings. I just hope whoever he marries can handle his attitude.

This is going to be one hell of a ride for the both of them.

Penelope's POV

It has been three hours since those two guys left my house and they wouldn't tell me exactly why I needed to inform my father to go see them. I have a feeling that my dad owes more money which means a bigger debt for him to pay back.

An hour later I hear the front door open, I glance up and it's my father. He gives me a sad smile. This clearly means he owes even more money.

"How much was it this time, daddy?" I ask him.

"Don't worry about it pumpkin. I will hit a big one and I will get these debts paid off." He tells me.

I have heard this before and it never happens. The debt gets larger and larger. There is no way possible that I will have enough money ever in this life time to pay this off.

"Oh daddy, before I forget, two guys showed up here. They didn't leave a name with me but they said it was important for you to call them.." I inform him.

"Okay I know who it is. They are from the bank I borrowed the money to pay the debts off." My father states as he walks into his office.

I hope he pays this loan off. I am scared something will happen to him if he doesn't. I finish the dishes and head off to bed. Tomorrow is another day. Let's hope it's a better day.

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