Dating a former playboy

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Penelope's POV

I'm sitting here a week later because Anthony had to go out of town for business. I told him to be safe and I would see him when he got home. He gets home in roughly 10 minutes. I know of his behavior from before I got here, I just never was able to put a face to the name until last week. I have to just trust him with this and it will be okay. Anthony did tell me before he left I could still teach my kids online if I could, so that's what I've been doing. As I am finishing up today's lessons with my babies, I hear a knock on my door. I mute my microphone and turn the camera off.

~Penelope~ come in

In walks Anthony. He looks exhausted.

~Penelope~ give me two minutes to finish up the lesson with the kids and you will have my attention okay?
~Anthony~ No problem. Want me to stay here or go to my room?
~Penelope~ you can stay here if you would like too, it's only going to take me roughly 10 minutes.
~Anthony~ I'm going to go shower and change real quick.

I can tell something is bothering him.

~Penelope~ what's wrong?
~Anthony~ Stupid hoes didn't understand the meaning of the word no.. I didn't do anything, I promise..
~Penelope~ I believe you. Go shower and change and I'll either wait here or come find you.
~Anthony~ okay. I am 4 doors down from here.

I turn my camera and microphone back on and the kids are doing extremely well. They are a very smart group. I am so blessed to be their teacher. As I finish up working, I change into something comfy before I head down to Anthony's room. I'm nervous about this because honestly this will be the first time we have had a conversation since we agreed to do this whole year thing.

Yup this should do

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Yup this should do. I walk down to his room and I knock. I would just bust up into his room and invade his privacy at all. I am in my own little world when the door opens and holy fûck balls, he looks good.

~Anthony~ wow you look amazing~Penelope~ thanks you do too

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~Anthony~ wow you look amazing
~Penelope~ thanks you do too.

He moves so I can walk inside. I haven't really been as nervous as I am now because when the year is up, he and I will be just strangers with a past.

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