All Over Again

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Penelope's POV

I have been back home at the Romano house for a little over two weeks. The first few days I kept blushing around him, so I know I am extremely attracted to him. He has given me a kiss on the forehead and when he has I feel a million and one things from him. I honestly wish I could remember everything with him but I can't. Sleeping alone at night is easier said than done. I have constant nightmares of the accident but nothing prior to that. Thankfully Anthony has heard these nightmares and he's held me close until I would fall back asleep and in turn he would fall asleep holding me as well. I feel safe with him.

Last night was one of my worst nightmares I've ever had. It had me so terrified that as Anthony was holding me he asked what it was about. Each time I tried telling him what happened, I would cry harder than the time before that. Anthony has been working from home because whoever had hit me is still at large and he knows him being with me is the safest bet we have. Security out front of the house has been doubled. Matteo is at the office building searching for any clue to where they are.


This morning I am waking up and I see this gorgeous ring next to my side of the table. I touch it and my head starts hurting but nothing has come back to me yet. I'm sure that they will eventually. But right now part of me thinks that I am holding back Anthony and he deserves someone who will be able to remember who he is day in and day out. But he's all I have now. When I was released from the hospital, Pops called my dad to see if I could see him. My father told me no because I refused to help him pay off yet another debt. He doesn't even give two shits if I regain my memory back or not. I go to the kitchen and I see a man's ring sitting by the sink. That's when it comes back to me... Anthony took off his ring... I have my ring on, I remember it being taken off when I was getting the testing done in the hospital. I grab Anthony's ring and storm to his office.

Anthony's POV

It's been a few weeks since the accident and as of last night, Penelope still hadn't gained any of her memories back. She's been having nightmares when she sleeps alone and I haven't forced her to stay with me in our room. I've always came to her and laid there holding her and we both fall back asleep peacefully.

Since I don't want to leave my gorgeous wife alone, I've been working in the office at the house and Matteo has been taking care of anything that needs to be handled at the building. Today we both are home and handling everything we need too because next week is mine and Penelope's anniversary. As Matteo and I are finishing up our work for the day, a very angry Penelope walks into my office..

~Penelope~ Care to explain why my husband doesn't have on his wedding band?
~Anthony~ I was washing dishes and took it off.....

It dawns on me. These last two weeks she has never once referred to me as her husband. I was always Anthony or Tony, but never once called her husband until today.

~Anthony~ What did you call me?
~Penelope~ My husband

She remembers me. I don't hesitate anything, I run up to her and pick her up in my arms. She finally remembers who I am. I hold her face and gently kiss her gorgeous plump lips. We pull back and smile at each other through our tears.

~Anthony~ How did you regain your memory?
~Penelope~ I was waking up and saw my ring on the table and I touched it. I remembered wearing it but wasn't sure who gave it to me. Then I walked to the kitchen to get a drink and I saw your ring on the sink and I touched it and remembered everything. Your psycho ex and her boyfriend caused the accident. But you knew that already.
~Anthony~ Yeah the day of the accident, Matteo was digging through footage from around or near the office and came across the accident. They haven't found them yet, but when they do they are going to be charged with fleeing a scene of an accident, attempted murder and numerous other crimes. Pops doesn't want you leaving the house alone until they are caught. Wait.....
~Penelope~ What?
~Matteo~ He doesn't know you have regained your memory back yet....
~Penelope~ Is he home?
~Anthony~ Yes he got home right before Matteo and I came into the office.... How do you want to let him know??

Just then my phone rings... It's Pops. I hand the phone to Penelope.

~Penelope~ Hi Dad
~Pops~ Penelope?
~Penelope~ It's me.
~Pops~ You remembered?
~Penelope~ I do dad...

Just like that the office door opens and dad runs in and holds Penelope. To say that my wife is the glue that holds us all together is an understatement. We all were lost when she was hurt and honestly only remembered Matteo. It wasn't his fault either.

~Pops~ Any clue to where your ex or her husband is?
~Penelope~ I have an idea on how to get her and him locked away. Call the cops and inform them that if they continue to stake out wherever they could be they won't return. So what we can do and yes all of us are in this together, is that you, Pops and Matteo can have a meeting with them to discuss a treaty. Cops in a room next to the office hearing everything. And a few minutes after they come into your office, I come in and sit in your lap and kiss you. She'll know their scheme failed and we discuss a code word to have the cops come inside and arrest them.

~Anthony~ As much as I don't want to use you in a plan, it's the only logical way. We will give it another week and then we'll decide when to go forth with this plan.

Everyone else but Penelope and I leave the office. I hold her close to me.  Knowing she remembers who I am and who she is to me, I hope her nightmares stop for good. If not I hope after they are arrested it gives her a sense of calm. One can only hope.

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