Many moons later

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It has been roughly 5 years since Penelope came into Anthony's life. For months she thought that Anthony was a pretentious prick head and fucked anything with a pulse. For a while she was right. But over time he got to realize that none of what Penelope's father did was her fault at all. Penelope's father had tried several times to get Penelope to pay off more of his debts. Yes Debts as in plural debts. When Penelope found out how many debts he had now since it was roughly 2 years since she heard from her father, she immediately handed her phone over to Anthony. Anthony was absolutely livid. He said he was paying off his final debt because Penelope has had it. She told Anthony she no longer wanted anything to do with her father. Anthony made it known that if he showed up at any of the casinos that he and his family owned, he would be immediately thrown out. He also informed him that if he wanted to value his life, he should quit gambling. About a month and a half later, they were notified that her father decided to up and leave the state and went to Las Vegas. In his eyes, more casinos, more chances to win some money. But he ended up losing upon losing. He eventually went to the wrong casino which ended up being an ally of Anthony's family. They were informed that he has a history of not paying back the money he was loaned. He once again tried contacting Penelope and she was beyond livid. She told him that she wasn't bailing him out any longer. He began shouting obscenities at her and she said he is going to suffer the consequences whether he liked it or not. She didn't care. She was done with him. She bailed him out one too many times and wasn't doing it any longer. About a week later, they found out he was shot for trying to steal more money from another mafia. He was no longer a problem. A problem that could of harmed Penelope and Anthony as well as Matteo and Alexander. Did Penelope feel bad? No, because she warned him if he kept this up, he was going to end up crossing the wrong person and he did. But now he couldn't hurt her or her family.

Now you are probably wondering about the babies. Yes babies. When everything happened with her father asking for money to pay off debts, the twins were about to turn 2 years old. First born was Anthony Joseph Romano, who ended up weighing in at a big 7 pounds 9 ounces. Then came in his baby sister Matilda Jayne at a small 6 pounds 15 ounces. She looks identical to her mother as Anthony Joseph looks like his father. About a year ago they welcomed into the world, Matteo Alexander. He is their baby and hopefully their last baby but if they have another it is definitely welcomed.

Matteo hasn't found the love of his life yet but he is hopeful that his queen is out there. Alexander, is still around helping Anthony and Matteo run the mafia and when Lil Anthony is to take over Anthony and Matteo will be there to help them as well.

Everyone has lived happily ever after..

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