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Penelope's POV

We have always figured out that there would be numerous people out here who would definitely think that our marriage was a scam. I mean they aren't wrong in a sense because Anthony and I figured that we would wait until around our 11 month mark we would decide if we were going to stay together after the year was up or we would have this annulled and go our own ways. I definitely do not want to go our own ways after the years up. This man has shown me so much love and support these last two months that I don't want to be with anyone else but him.

  It has also been 3 months since I have spoken to my father. Anthony allowed me to contact him and talk to him because he said he is still my father after all and I only have one father. He's right I do. I called him up and he of course got himself in debt with someone else and he begged me to transfer him money to pay this person back. I didn't. I haven't because I would be enabling him and I'm not doing that anymore. I have always left it at "I'll see what I am able to do" and dropped it. He has asked if I have left Anthony yet and I told him I don't think I will be leaving him. I get asked that every day I would call. I think my father is up to something. Something that is going to hurt myself or Anthony majorly. I have always called him when I was with Anthony because of why I was originally brought here. Anthony is livid but he doesn't show it. I get it I truly do. As I am sitting here on the balcony, Matteo comes outside. He's been my best friend since I started here. I know I have said it multiple times.

~Matteo~ You okay, Princess?
~Penelope~ Ready for the hoes and players to leave me and Anthony alone.
~Matteo~ Do they all still think this is fake?
~Penelope~ It's not fake to me. I have truly developed feelings towards him. But we both agreed that when we hit Month 11 we would discuss us staying together or getting this annulled.
~Matteo~ I guess you want to stay together as of now??
~Penelope~ Yeah I do. I'm scared.
~Matteo~ To be honest I know Anthony wants to stay together with you too. This is the happiest I have seen him in a while. You have made him a better man and I'm thankful for this. You are like my sister, I'll always be there to protect you. I promise this to you.
~Penelope~ Thank you Matteo.. He on a conference call?
~Matteo~ Yeah, he sent me to see if you were okay. He knows the exes bugging y'all have been getting to you. Want me to tell him anything ?
~Penelope~ (That I love him) That I ummmm....
~Matteo~ relations or you want him?
~Penelope~ ummm we've had sex before but I got something made for him that I wanted to give to him.
~Matteo~ Give it here and I'll give it to him.

I run inside to mine and Anthony's bedroom and I grab this small photo album full of boudoir pictures I had taken before he and I got married. I was hoping it would be in before our wedding but it wasn't. I actually took the pictures myself. I hand him the small album.

~Penelope~ I took these pictures myself about 3 weeks before our wedding day, I just got around to selecting the photos I liked. Don't look in it..
~Matteo ~ I won't.

Anthony's POV

I'm sitting in my office arguing with my board of directors who are also heads of the other Mafias we are in alliance with because my psycho ex girlfriend told them our marriage was a scam. Absolutely not. This is 100 percent real to myself as well as it is to Penelope. So now I'm letting into them that Penelope is my gorgeous wife. Thankfully after 2 hours of us arguing about this and my brother walks in with a book in his hands, I hang up the phone.

~Anthony~ What's up brother?
~Matteo~ I was talking to Penelope and she's worried someone is going to ruin your relationship. But she had given me this album to give to you. I was told to NOT look inside and it's for your eyes only.

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