Into the unknown

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Penelope's POV

This morning marks exactly 11 months since Anthony and I got married. Next month marks one year and the deadline his father gave us for this arrangement. But Anthony and I did discuss that we wanted to stay married because we have fallen in love with each other. At first I legitimately could not stand the thought of being stuck married to this selfish prick but the more time I spent with him over the last year, he made me fall more and more in love with him. He still has his moments to were he's a prick but he breaths and apologizes if it's ever directed towards me, which it hardly is ever.

He had to go into the office today to handle some meetings and I had some errands to run myself. But I told him and Matteo that I would be by around noon so we could have lunch together. He said that would be awesome. As I finish making my list of things I need from the store, Pops walks in..

~Pops~ Hey pumpkin you feeling okay?
~Penelope~ (smiling) Yeah I'm never better pops...
~Pops~ What's going on?
~Penelope~ Next month marks one year I have spent married to Anthony and I have never been in love with a man as I have been with him. Grant he was a complete and total douche bag when we first met and he dragged me here, but I can't imagine my life without him. Oh before I forget, I'm heading out shopping here in a bit, need anything?
~Pops~ Nothing off the top of my head sweetheart. If I do, I'll call you up. Sound good?
~Penelope~ Sounds good. Love you dad.

I get into my car and go to the department store for something's Anthony told me this morning we needed and things I needed to get. As I realize what time it is, I grab some sandwiches and go to his office building.

Anthony's POV

Today I had a meeting at the office with someone. I wasn't sure of who this person was but when they walked in I wish they absolutely didn't. My ex girlfriend from before I met Penelope, Genevieve aka Genny for short. Genny and I broke up because she was caught in bed cheating on me with Donovan. Donovan was a friend of both mine and Matteo's. Since that day we both washed our hands with him and her for that matter. After that was when I began sleeping around and not having relationships with females but Penelope changed all of that. What has me baffled is why is she here after the last 5 years? I am married and about to start a family with the love of my life.

~Anthony~ What are you doing here, Genny?
~Genny~ Well I wanted to talk to you about us.
~Anthony~ Well hate to burst your bubble but I am married and I am starting a family with my wife...

She bust out laughing at me. I get it, I put the whole playboy persona out there and everyone knew I wasn't the marrying type.

~Genny~ You married? You told me when I ran into you 2 years ago you weren't the relationship type. That you had several ladies you slept with.
~Anthony~ She came in when I least expected her to, she is incredibly beautiful, she's smart, doesn't deal with anyone's bullshit and she doesn't tolerate any disrespect from anyone and she won't tolerate you disrespecting our marriage so if that's all.....

As I am about to tell her to leave, I see my wife with tears in her eyes and my brother behind her. She drops everything to the ground and runs out the building. Genny looks at me and smirks. That's when I knew someone had told her about my relationship and everything. Matteo walks in and closes the door blocking her only exit.

~Matteo~ Who sent you here?
~Genny~ Wow Teo, looking good...
~Matteo~ Yeah no I'm definitely not interested in you. I want to know why my best friend ran out of here when she never has before?
~Genny~ I'm leaving now...
~Anthony~ WHY ARE YOU HERE????

She huff and puffs and finally tells us why...

~Genny~ Donovan wants your territory and he sent me here to make your wife doubt you.....
~Anthony~ She never doubted me since we got married and now you made it appear as if I was cheating. I haven't looked at a female since her. If you ever catch you near my area you and Donovan are done for.

She runs out the building and leaves. Matteo looks at me because he didn't know my meeting was with my ex.

~Matteo~ What happened?
~Anthony~ I was telling her that Penelope wouldn't tolerate any disrespect from her about our marriage and when I said that, Penelope walked in and before I could stop her she was gone.

Matteo goes over to the floor and sees a bag of food, and another bag of things. Before he can even see what's in the bag, my phone rings. But the news I received crushed my world.

My wife was in an accident. She's alive but not awake. Only thing on my mind is making sure my wife is okay. I need to see her. I need to physically see her for myself. I need to know that she is okay. I can't lose her now. Dad tells me the accident was at the corner of the road near the building. I have security email the footage to me so I can go over it while I wait for Penelope to wake up. I swear if it's who I think is responsible for the accident, she and him are done for. I will make their lives a living hell.

Genevieve Trousseau Aka GennyAge 32Ex girlfriend of AnthonyFiancée of Donovan Montella

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Genevieve Trousseau
Aka Genny
Age 32
Ex girlfriend of Anthony
Fiancée of Donovan Montella

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