Figuring This Out

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Penelope's POV

So it's the next day since my entire life got changed because my father couldn't quit gambling and losing more money than he knew what to do with. Thankfully I have my own room here for the time being. Am I happy about this situation and being forced into marrying this huge egotistical playboy? Absolutely not because I know he will not change. But I will not be made out to be a fool. I am taken from my thoughts with a knock on my bedroom door.

~Penelope~ come in

In walks Matteo

~Matteo~ Good Morning. I was sent to get you and bring you into the office we have here.

~Penelope~ Okay. Where's you jerk of a brother?

Matteo's POV

Crap I didn't want to tell her where he ran off to after we got her settled in here but she deserves the truth.

~Matteo~ He left here shortly after you went to bed and went to one of our clubs. He hasn't gotten home yet. Pops wants to know what you want to have in this contract since you had to leave everything you knew and loved behind.

~Penelope~ so you mean to tell me that your brother decided to leave here and go get his dîck wet instead of trying to do the right thing? Yeah don't fücking think so. I know exactly what I am going to put in this entire arrangement. 

She isn't playing around. She closes her bedroom door for a second to change into something presentable.  She is a gorgeous woman. My brother doesn't stand a chance.

I escort her to my father's office

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I escort her to my father's office.

~Pops~ where's Anthony at?
~Matteo~ he left after we got here and he sent on whöre home and left for the club. He hasn't returned home yet.
~Pops~ well I personally apologize for his behavior towards you. This isn't the man I raised. Now this contract... it's for one year and during this year you and him will be making appearances in public.
~Penelope~ so I have to act like his loving doting wife, while he fücks every woman he wants while I'm the one remaining faithful to him?
~Pops~ Well yes but you have a say what you want from him.
~Penelope~ what I actually want is for him to not make me look like a complete dumbass. He gets to do as he sees fit? I know men like him...

Anthony's POV

I stayed at one of my clubs. I didn't want to be home. I usually spend my nights at the club, screwing my go to girls. I did just that last night and it will not change when I marry this chick whose living in my house. I arrive home, realizing that I'm late for this meeting with my family and her. I get to the office and I hear her tell my father and brother that she knows men like me. What does she exactly mean by this??

~Anthony~ Care to elaborate there?
~Penelope~ well you are a play boy no denying that because when we got home you had one of your probably many whöres waiting outside. Cool whatever. But then you leave here, go to a club you own and most likely fücked another bitch? Am I wrong??

She isn't wrong about any of that. I have been this way for years, why should I change now?

~Anthony~ I've been this way for years. I won't change now because we are married on paper...
~Penelope~ well you will when you realize shït won't be going your way. I was forced into this because of the man who swore to protect me. Yet you go fück another chick and then you make me look like I'm stupid. Yeah I won't allow that to happen. Pops, Sir you have the stipulation I asked for. If he doesn't agree to it, then I want to be going home. You decide?

She gets up and leaves the office.

~Anthony~ Who the hell does she think she is? Demanding shït from us?
~Pops~ actually she said she doesn't want to be made to look like a dumb broad in public with you screwing another chick. That isn't a lot of ask for but she has a point. Her father made this deal, not her! She is being forced into this, the least you could do was respect her. But your ego isn't allowing that..
~Anthony~ fine how long is this for?
~Pops~ a year..I know it's too long to not fool around but if you mess around on her during this year, she gets relieved of her duties as your wife and gets to go back to her normal life.
~Anthony~ and we are out of money that her father owes us.
~Matteo~ That's between us and her father. Not us and her. She deserves respect the least you could do is that.

He storms out the office and now I have to decide now if I will remain faithful. The way pops made it seem is if I get caught then it's a no go. Ugh I don't want to do this either.

~Anthony~Fine I will do it. I will remain faithful to her but after the year?
~Pops~ after the year of marriage, you will get everything dealing with the Mafia and she gets to go back to her normal life. Marriage will be annulled and you won't have to remain faithful. She deserves the respect.

Penelope's POV

I am completely exhausted all over again because this asshole won't remain faithful. I get he's in charge but I refuse to be made to look like a fool. I go to the kitchen and I make myself something to eat when Matteo walks in.

~Matteo~ Hey you okay?
~Penelope~ no. I get he is the soon to be leader of the Mafia but all I am asking for is respect. He respects me I will definitely respect him. That's all I'm asking for. But I don't know. I know the ladies will try and screw with him but after the year he can resume his normal activities.

As Matteo and I finish our conversation and meal, Anthony walks into the kitchen. I get up and go to my room and shut the door. I can't get close to him to just end up getting hurt.

Anthony's POV

I was going to apologize and tell her I would take this as serious as she will be. The least I can do. No more club hopping, no more lunch sessions and as soon as the year is up, I can do what I want to do as she will be at her house and moved on with her life.

~Anthony~ She is that upset with me??
~Matteo~ Yeah she is. She is only asking for respect and you only care about your needs. Respecting her isn't a huge deal. She won't care if y'all share a room or not. Just don't make her look like she is dumb because she isn't.
~Anthony~ how do you know all of this?
~Matteo~ she was a teacher for kids with special needs, she devoted her life to making sure they received the best education they needed. She would give her dad her entire check to pay his debts off which he didn't do. She tried helping him. But he didn't give two shits, it's called a background check on her that I did last night while you were screwing who knows what. Look your my brother and I love you but you could catch something from those ladies you mess with. Plus I think she's the type of woman you need in your life. She doesn't care about money, she doesn't care your the king of the mafia here soon. She just wants you to succeed in life.

He gets up and walks away. I go to my house office and start working on paper work. I email my partners within the company that I will be working from home for a while. They all tell me to take as long as I need. This way I try my best to remain faithful. As I am in my office, I want to get Penelope a ring. She seems like the type of woman who wants a unique ring. The blonde hair blue eyes, I think either a Ruby or emerald will be the best. I think I found the perfect ring. The company said it will take a few weeks to get in which is fine.

I finish up my work and head to my room. I see Penelope is asleep on her bed. I cover her up and close the door. Hopefully tomorrow we can talk about each other.

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