Making A Deal

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Anthony's POV

It has been over two hours since we went to Mr. James' house and his daughter told us he wasn't home. He probably wasn't but I figured we would of heard from him by now. My dad walks into the office back at the house and asked us what happened.

I tell him, "His daughter answered the door and said he wasn't home and that she couldn't get ahold of him because he doesn't believe in cell phones. So I gave her one of my business cards and told her to have him call us as soon as he gets in".

Pops says, "You do realize that even if she does tell him to call you, he could end up not calling you because he knows why he has too. You didn't tell her who you were did you?"

"No was I suppose to dad?" I asked him.

"Would of been the wise thing to do. If we don't hear from him by the morning, I say that we just go back to his house and get him to tell us." Matteo says.

"So we kill her father?" I ask surprisingly.

"No because then she would never forgive you for this. Question though son, is she cute", pops ask me.

I'm thinking in my head of course she's cute. She's beyond beautiful to me. I just got an idea.

"This maybe wrong of me but I got something that could benefit myself and her" I tell my family.

"Oh yeah what's that big brother?" Matteo sarcastically says to me.

"We go speak to her father and give him three options. The first one being he pays is back everything he owes and then some, and it's over with. Second one benefits me, we forgive the debt if his daughter agrees to marry me so I can take over the family mafia. And third being that if he doesn't pay us back and she doesn't agree to marry me, I kill him", I state pretty proud of myself for thinking of it.

My dad and brother give me a look.

"You know damn well if you kill her father she will never forgive you for it and not only she won't forgive you, you don't know she is into you", Matteo states.

Damn him. I tell them that I will think this all over, as my cell phone goes off, surprise surprise it's Mr. James.

Phone Conversation

~Anthony~ "Mr. James nice of you to return my phone call"

~Mr. James~ "My daughter gave me the urgent message, so what can I do you for"

~Anthony~ "You haven't been returning us any of the money that you borrowed from us 7 months ago. Now why is that"?

~Mr. James "Money has been tight for us. My daughter is the only one with a stable income and mine is barely anything that doesn't cover bill.".

~Anthony~" well I have an idea. Well two of them first one is you pay us back everything and then some or option two is we forgive your debt but only if your daughter marries me. I had a third one would have your daughter hating me and plotting revenge"

~Mr.James~ "Fine. I will let her know she's marrying you."

Anthony~ "Thank you. I'm looking forward to your call back".

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