The Takedown

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Penelope's POV

Yesterday I got my memories back. I was absolutely terrified of it because I was scared that Anthony was going to move on to someone who knew who he was but my heart would of broken because I am in love with this man. Next week is our one year wedding anniversary of being married. Honestly I had no intention of falling for this man but over time he and I spent time together and I got to know the man underneath it all.

~Anthony~ What's going on beautiful?
~Penelope~ I just have this odd feeling that Genevieve and her fiancé are going to try and hurt you...
~Anthony~ We think that too. Matteo and Pops are upping security. Before they can even enter the house the gate guards are going to search the car and them. I have my guns under my desk and Matteo will have his guns on him. Pops is going to be sitting with you.
~Penelope~ Okay. I'm just scared. I can't lose you or anyone else. My father obviously didn't give two shits about me and being with y'all is the first time I have felt like I have had a family.

I lean in and give him a kiss. He links his hand in with my hair and pull me close to his firm body. He is as turned on as I am because I can feel it.

~Anthony~ Baby as much as I want to bend you over my desk and fück your perfect little ass, we have business to handle. But when they are arrested, you'll be in here and as they are being cuffed, I'm bending you over and going to eat you out til you cum on my face.

Well shit. Pops comes in and tells Anthony and I that they have arrived. I give Anthony a kiss and I walk to my room with him. Anthony leaves the office phone open so we can hear everything.

Anthony's POV

Penelope leaves my office with my father who has taken her in as his daughter from day one. She is absolutely amazing. As Matteo opens the door I see my ex, Genevieve with her fiancé. It's taking everything in my powers to not shoot them both for what they did to Penelope. Genevieve is giving me come fuck me eyes with her man next to her.

~Anthony~ What did you two call this meeting with me for?
~Genevieve~ Tony....
~Anthony~ Last warning nobody calls me Tony. What is it that you want.....
~Donovan~ I want to expand my money making profits to your area.
~Anthony~ why would I do that? I don't tolerate drugs being sold and prostitution isn't happening.
~Donovan~ you don't really have a choice in the matter. I'll go tell your precious wife who doesn't remember anyone that you cheated on her.
~Anthony~ why would you do that? Feeling guilty about something?
~Genevieve~ how hard he hit her car, she should of been dead....

I have heard enough and so did Penelope. She hung up the phone and in she comes. She stands directly in front of me.

~Penelope~ Surprised to see me?
~Genevieve~ Well no because you are alive.
~Donovan~ Your precious husband was sleeping with her when you had your accident.
~Penelope~ Really because he was with me in my hospital room til I was released. He worked from home and was with me every night since. Seeing as he told me he can't wait to be inside me when y'all leave well yeah....
~Donovan~ I needed more speed. I would of killed you and then Anthony would of slept with her and we would of had the territory.

In walk the police and arrest them for attempted murder and causing an accident. I pull down Penelope's panties. Matteo and everyone leaves.

I lean up and lightly kiss her ass cheeks. Her skin is so incredibly soft.

~Anthony~ God baby you smell so good.
~Penelope~ Mmm you have me so turned on (she spreads her legs slightly) all I could think about was you eating me out from behind.
~Anthony~ Is that what you want?
~Penelope~ yes it is.

I drop down to my knees, take off my tie and tie her hands behind her back. I slide myself between her legs and slowly insert my fingers into her deeply. She's unbelievably wet. I slowly lick her slit and gently nibble on her clit. She moans loudly.

~Penelope~ God that feels incredible.

Slap! She has a kinky side that you wouldn't know by looking at her. She moans. I feel her pussy tighten up around my fingers.

~Anthony~ Let go baby...

She cums all over my face. I wipe my face with my dress shirt. My cock is so hard for her. I sit down in my desk chair and she turns around and looks at me. I gently pull out my cock and pull her closer to me. She straddles my cock and starts riding me.

~Anthony~ Fuck baby!
~Penelope~ Like that?
~Anthony~ yes god you look so beautiful. I love you.
~Penelope~ I love you too. Harder please

I pick her up almost off my cock and I plunge her down harder on me. I begin kissing her deeply and with passion. This woman means everything to me.

~Anthony~ Where do you want me to cum?
~Penelope~ In me. I want babies with you.

As soon as she said she wants my kids, I busted all up on her. We slowly come down from our euphoric high.

~Anthony~ (I glance at the clock) well shit what do you want to do for dinner?
~Penelope~ I honestly don't care. We have leftovers in the fridge.
~Anthony~ Perfect. You can get cleaned up and I'll bring dinner upstairs for us. Sound good?
~Penelope~ So dressed or sitting on the bed naked?

I can't help but growl at her. This woman knows exactly what she is doing to me and man do I love it.

~Anthony~ Naked so after we eat, we can spend the rest of the night making love to each other nice and slowly. But I'll also give you a massage with that lavender lotion you love so much.

~Penelope~ Sounds good baby. Love you.
~Anthony~ Love you too.

I watch her walk up the stairs and turn to blow me a kiss. Pops looks at me and smiles...

~Pops~ Everything okay?
~Anthony~ Yeah we're going to start trying to have children now...
~Pops~ I'm proud of you son.
~Anthony~ Thank you

I run to the kitchen and heat up some leftovers for our dinner.

We spend the whole night making love to each other. I can't wait til we have our first baby together

**Time jump in next chapter **

***Author here***

With the whole situation with Chapters I will be moving stories over to here and Inkitt. Please give me time on doing so.

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