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Anthony's POV

It has been one hell of couple months, since Penelope was moved here and apart of the deal between my Mafia and her father. Apart of the arrangement was for myself and Penelope to be married for exactly a year. Then I began to develop feelings for her. I wasn't expecting this to happen but I am glad it had happened.

Well today is the day that Penelope and I head to the court house to get married. She had been staying in my room with me for the last month. But last night she and I both agreed that she would stay in her room. But I tossed and turned the whole night. Something about us sleeping next to each other helps us sleep better at night. I can't wait to see her at the courthouse. Matteo is bringing her and I am riding with my father.

~Pops~ Anthony?
~Anthony~ yes sir?
~Pops~ I'm proud of how much you are actually putting into this relationship with Penelope. You could of fooled me because it appears you have actual feelings towards her.
~Anthony~ Well I do have feelings towards her. She's incredible and she's gorgeous and most of all she is becoming one of my best friends.
~Pops~Good that is how marriage is supposed to be, even if this is all over a year from now...

And now I am being brought back to reality. One our one year anniversary, we will announce we are getting a divorce because it is all part of the contract. I need to distance my feelings now for her because if I don't then I won't be able to leave her when it's time.

Penelope's POV

Today is the day that this entire contract becomes official and exactly one year from now I will be divorcing him. But now I don't think I will be able to forget him because I have fallen for him completely. Pops is going to be bringing Anthony to the courthouse and Matteo is bringing me. We stayed apart for the night before our wedding. I am positive that Anthony is thinking about ending this contract when it's time. I can't act as if I don't have feelings because I do. As I put my heels on, Matteo knocks on my door.

~Penelope~ Come in

In walks my unbiological big brother. He looks right at me and he can tell exactly what I am thinking. No words need to be said between us at all.

~Matteo~ you have fallen for him haven't you?
~Penelope~ That obvious, isn't it?
~Matteo~ yeah and knowing my brother, he's fallen for you too. But also knowing him, he's going to distance himself from you so when the year is up the divorce will be easy on him.
~Penelope~ I don't think I can do this.
~Matteo~ what the entire courthouse thing? Or the whole wedding thing and not get attached?
~Penelope~ The whole entire situation. My feelings started getting real when he referred to me as his girlfriend to others. He began treating me with respect. He had to of known feelings would be involved.
~Matteo~ I'll be right back.

Matteo's POV

I have known both of their feelings would be involved. Everyone knew this would happen and he's admitted that he has fallen for her and it I know my brother he will do everything to break her heart.

Phone Conversation
~Anthony~ on your way?
~Matteo~ She's thinking of not doing it.
~Anthony~ The contract...
~Matteo~ Fuck the contract. That woman fell for you. You fell for her yourself. I'm not saying, treat her like shit for the next year because I'll kick your ass but she deserves to be treated with respect. You cheat on her tonight or any night for the next year, I'll kick your ass and I don't give two fucks if your the mafia boss or not.

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