Oh baby bay bay!

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It's been a little over two months since we took down Donovan and Genevieve. It's also been two months since Anthony and I decided to start trying to have babies together. I have always wanted kids. But everyone I chose to date didn't want to have kids because they cramped their style. Which to each their own. Well last week I realized that I was late, late as in my period didn't show up. At that point I was just shy of a week, no biggie. Well this week marks two weeks late. I am standing in the bathroom with my door locked because I am taking a test. This test will give me the answers to whether or not I have a baby in my belly.

It's finally time to check the test and when I glance down, it says Pregnant! We are having a baby.

As I get cleaned up, I hear Anthony waking up

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As I get cleaned up, I hear Anthony waking up.

~Anthony~ Baby you okay?
~Penelope~ yeah just finished peeing

I hear him laugh which causes me to laugh at him too. When I walk out of the bathroom, he smiles at me but tears well up in my eyes.

~Anthony~ what's wrong?
~Penelope~ I'm pregnant.. we did it.

He dives to my side of the bed and kisses my stomach. This man has completely changed since the first time I met him. He brings out the absolute best in me and I do with him also. He's amazing, protective and down right incredible. I can't wait to bring our baby into the world together.


Well it's been a week since we found out I was pregnant. Anthony immediately got me into the doctors. I told him I could wait but he said and I quote, "My wife and child doesn't wait around", he's amazing. As we are in the sonogram room, I hear the tech gasp, "Oh".

~Anthony~ what's wrong?
~tech~ nothing is wrong, it appears you guys are having twins. They don't appear to be identical but I could be wrong. Do twins run in either of your families?

We both say no. She prints off a bunch of pictures for us. She hands Anthony a towel to help me clean up.

~Penelope~ Are you happy?
~Anthony~ Baby girl I am beyond thrilled. I can't wait to bring these kids into this world. Before you, I didn't want children at all. Then when I got to know you, I started falling for you hard and fast. I knew I wanted to have kids with you. You three are everything to me.
~Penelope~ you are everything to me also. But I'm hungry and tired, let's go home.

When we arrive home, nobody else is home. We go upstairs with our lunch. I can't believe it.... TWINS! Let's hope these next few months go by fast. I can't wait at all!!!

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