Stopping the rumors

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Anthony's POV

It has been a few weeks since the board began accusing us that our marriage was anything but real. They couldn't be anymore wrong about it. I will admit to everyone that the first few weeks of our entire situation wasn't real. Then time happened and we both fell for each other. I fell in love with Penelope hands down and it has been the greatest decision I have ever made. She exudes confidence day in and day out, she looks amazing wearing sweats and tank top, and most of all, she smiles as soon as I enter the room.

As I am in my office at the house since insane exes kept trying to get me to sleep with them, and I love being able to see Penelope work with her students, and I get to have lunch with her as well. As I'm going over shipments, my phone rings.... It's the board again. This seriously means one thing, another ex or someone else decided to go and spread more rumors around about us. Time for this all to stop.

Phone Conversation

~Anthony~ Hello?
~Board~ We have received more rumors that your marriage is completely fake and y'all plan on divorcing when the marriage hits 1 year. Is that true?
~Anthony~ Absolutely not. He is the love of my life and I'm sick and tired of  people trying to destroy my marriage and if I find out who has started these and it's dealing with my board of directors I will get you guys fired, is there an understanding?
~Board~ Yes sir. But you see when we get these claims we have to question them.
~Anthony~ Oh and by the way if your daughter Candi comes by my house and place of business again, I'm having her thrown in jail understand?
~Board~ Yes sir.

He hangs up on me good because I'm tired of this shit. How can my wife and I have an amazing marriage if they won't leave us alone to be happy? I'm scared this is going to push us apart. Matteo walks inside my office.

~Matteo~ You good?
~Anthony~ No. I'm tired of whoever keeps sending the board of directors stupid ass rumors. I have a feeling Candi is the culprit behind this because I've caught her creeping outside my building when I was there a few weeks ago. How much more drama and shït are we going to be dealing with?
~Matteo~ So y'all are in this forever?
~Anthony~Absolutely. At first I was just in this for the company but spending this time with her, she's the only woman I ever want... We even started to try and I have kids....
~Matteo~ For real? Since when?
~Anthony~ Last month. I mean we don't know when it's going to happen but I love her.

My brother hugs me. We have always never shown emotions towards each other. We have had to keep face when we are working but she has shown me I can still show some emotions and remain tough..

Penelope's POV

It has been close to 7 months since Anthony and I got married. It has also been 6 months since I last spoke to my father. He wanted me to bail him out of another debt and I refused. He told me I wasn't his daughter and I responded that I was sorry he felt that way. We have still been dealing with someone telling the board this marriage is fake. It's not fake to us. It's ex girlfriends who don't want to face reality that Anthony is a taken man. We have also decide to start trying to have kids. It's something he and I discussed deeply and at length. It hasn't happened yet but it will when the time is right.

I have been bummed out because last week my school let me go because someone told them I was married to a mafia king and a lot of parents didn't want their children being taught by the wife of a mafia king. It sucks but I know I am not the bad guy. Anthony is upset but he knows the truth will come out and when it does it's not the school or parents fault, it is whoever is spreading these rumors and lies.

As I am laying in our bed ready for sleep, I see my handsome husband, walking into our room. I have fallen more and more in love with him as the days go on..

~Anthony~ Hey beautiful, want a massage?
~Penelope~ Please babe?

I roll over on my stomach and he starts rubbing my back and neck.

~Penelope~ Mmmmm

~Anthony~ babe don't moan like that....

I feel his rock hard cock sitting against my ass. It turns me on that I can turn this man on this easily. I roll over on my back and pull him down to kiss me..

~Anthony~ I love you beautiful!
~Penelope~ I love you too. I'm glad we decided to keep our marriage going even after the year is up.

As his hands love hair away from my face, he looks at me with the most loving eyes...

~Anthony~ What is it that you want?
~Penelope~ You deep inside me.


After having mind blowing sex with this incredible man, we both fall asleep. Rumors of this marriage being a sham are never going to stop. We have nothing to prove to anyone. We are in this for us. We are going to last and that's what matters most.

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