First Outgoing

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Penelope's POV

    It has been a week since Anthony and I said I do. He has his moments where he is a complete and utter jerk but the. He has his moments where he is absolutely incredible. I knew coming into this entire arrangement that this was to payback my father's debt because he obviously only cared about himself but then my feelings got involved in this and now I don't think I will be able to leave him come the end of the year.

   Today is a busy as hell day for the two of us. Today is the day that everyone within the mafia world knows him and I are married and I'm not going anywhere. They don't know about the arrangement being made and that in 11 months I am leaving this area and he can resume his playboy ways. As I am getting ready for today, Anthony is in his home office finishing up some paperwork. I decided to wear this for the "outings" as we are calling it.

We really never discussed on what we would say if someone was to ask him or I how we met each other or what we would say if someone asked how long we had been dating? Everyone knows he's a playboy so now I have to play the loving doting wife and h...

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We really never discussed on what we would say if someone was to ask him or I how we met each other or what we would say if someone asked how long we had been dating? Everyone knows he's a playboy so now I have to play the loving doting wife and how I support him no matter what. I finish getting myself together. I look down at my phone and see we have an 30 minutes to leave. I walk to his office and knock.

Anthony's POV

Today Penelope and I go in front of everyone and solidify our marriage and our entire relationship to everyone, and yes that does include all of my one night stands. I have some work to finish up with the clubs and other businesses before we leave. As I am sitting here about done, I have a knock on my office door, I can immediately tell it is Penelope.

~Anthony~ Come in

In walks Penelope and she looks absolutely gorgeous today.

~Anthony~ You look beautiful today love.
~Penelope~ You look incredible yourself. We have about 30 minutes before we have to leave and be where we need to be.

~Anthony~ Awesome

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~Anthony~ Awesome. I just finished paperwork. But I wanted to talk to you about what we will say to everyone when they question our relationship.

~Penelope~ I mean we can tell them they we were friends from back in the day and lost contact with each other. They about 3 ish months ago, we reunited and dated. We realized after a couple of weeks we decided that we didn't want to waste anymore time and decided we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together.

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