Confronting My Past

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Penelope's POV

    I have been married to Anthony for about a month. The last month has been nothing but pure bliss between the two of us. He is always home from work by 430 and if he is running late, he calls me to tell me he's late. As you probably guessed it, when the announcement of him and I getting married was out to the public meaning the entire country found out, a lot more of his ex girlfriend or flings have come out of the woodwork and have tried weaseling their way back into his life. But he told them he was happily married.

   Today is a holiday, so I do not have to teach my babies online. I hear Anthony and Matteo walking to their office, they must be working from home today. My phone rings. It's my useless ex boyfriend, Marcus. A little backstory about the two of us. Marcus and I dated for 2 years give or take. Everything was going smoothly or so I thought. I came home from college early since my professor had an family emergency. I walk inside the front door and saw my then boyfriend, not only screwing my ex best friend but doing drugs in my house that my grandmother left me. I got blamed by him and my former friend for his mistakes. I kicked him out. I had to move back to my fathers house because of his debts. Wonder what he wants. It's been 5 years now.

Phone Conversation
~Marcus~ Hey beautiful..
~Penelope~ You don't have the right to call me that anymore
~Marcus~ I apologized to you constantly for what mistake I made.
~Penelope~ Sorry you are wasting you time and breathe but I'm not single. I'm actually married and this man treats me more like I should of been treated all along.
**Anthony walks in the room because he must of heard me yelling**
~Marcus~I know deep down inside you still love me.
~Penelope~ You are right. I love....
~Marcus~ I knew it...
~Penelope~ I didn't finish my thought. I love if you were dead. I know exactly why you have called me. You found out I was married to Anthony and you wanted money. But I would never help you or anyone who destroyed me.
~Marcus~ you stupid selfish....

Anthony grabs my phone.

~Anthony~ Listen here you stupid ignorant asshole. If you or anyone else from her past tries to weasel your way back into her heart, you won't only deal with me, but you will deal with the entire Romano Mafia family. That's right I'm Anthony Romano, head of the Romano crime family. You lose this number now.

He hangs up. I should of sent it to voicemail.

~Anthony~ You okay love?
~Penelope~ yeah baby I'm okay. Going to work on lesson plans for the next few weeks.
~Anthony~ I am so sorry our past are haunting us it feels like.
~Penelope~ it's not. It's just people who are trying to ruin the two of us. But we got this.
~Anthony~ We always do. If he calls back again, come get myself or Matteo.
~Penelope~ Wheres pops at?
~Matteo~ Grocery shopping and handling the casinos.

They head back to the office and I sit down and start working on lesson plans.


I must of dozed off because I'm curled up next to Anthony.

~Anthony~ Hey love have a nice nap??
~Penelope~ yeah I was tired figured while you were busy and I finished up the lesson plans for the month, I'd catch a nice nap.
~Anthony~ You feeling okay?
~Penelope~ I think I have a migraine brewing. But I will be okay. I promise.
~Anthony~Okay if it gets worse, let me know and I'll get some medicine.

He hands me two Tylenol extra strength to try and stop it before it gets any worse. He has shown me he's serious about us.


It's dinner time, pops went and made this amazing stuffed shells filled with meat and cheeses, covered in homemade spaghetti sauce.


After dinner, Anthony and I are sitting out on our balcony enjoying the cool air. I am wondering about something. Am I going to be forced into giving him an heir to this mafia family or not. I don't remember seeing it in the contract.

~Anthony~ What's wrong?
~Penelope~I don't know but I was wondering would I be forced into giving you an heir before the contract is up or not?

Anthony's POV

To be honest, I have been thinking more and more about not following through with this whole contract and when the year is up, we stay married. I have fallen more and more in love with Penelope. But I don't know if she feels the same way.

~Anthony~ How about this? We stop the whole entire thing... but leave it between the two of us. When the year is nearly done with, if we both feel the same way, we stay married. But the whole heir thing, if it happens, it happens. But if we don't stay married, then we don't. We will remain friends.
~Penelope~ Okay. I'm tired. Let's go to bed love!

With that being said, Penelope and I head to bed. I hope when the time comes up, we do decide to stay married to each other. I am not wanting this to ever end.


Marcus Anatolli Age 34Ex boyfriend to Penelope Wants her money

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Marcus Anatolli
Age 34
Ex boyfriend to Penelope
Wants her money.
Single will never settle down.

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