Waiting is hard

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Anthony's POV

I am sitting here in the waiting room with Matteo when my father comes running in. I am crying. I haven't ever cried about anything in the last few years. I am terrified she won't wake up.

~Pops~ Anthony what happened?
~Anthony~ I had a meeting at the office. I went and it turned out the meeting was to drive Penelope away. She said Donovan wants our territory. I haven't had a chance to look at the security footage either.
~Matteo~ I'll take care of it. You need to be here for when she wakes she's up. I will let you know if and when I find out anything I will let you know.

As he is about to look anything up, the doctor comes out..

~Doctor~ I'm looking for the family of Penelope Romano?

~Anthony ~ I'm her husband. How is she?
~Doctor~ Whoever did this wanted to hurt her far worse than they did. But she may not remember you but she's alive and that's what matters the most.
~Anthony~ Is she awake?
~Doctor~ She is. They are doing blood work on her right now but follow me.

Pops works with Matteo to identify who tried taking my wife away from me, but to be honest, I need them with me when I go to see Penelope. They follow me. I see Penelope looking at me.

~Doctor~ Penelope, do you know these people?
~Penelope~ Yeah, Matteo is my best friend and the older man behind him is his dad whom I call Pops.
~Doctor~ Whose this man?

Please babygirl remember me? If you don't I will spend the rest of my life making you fall in love with me all over again....

~Penelope~ He looks familiar to me. I can't place his name though, I'm sorry?
~Anthony~ It's okay. I'm Matteo's brother, Anthony. You are Penelope?
~Penelope~ Yes that's my name.
~Anthony~ It's beautiful.

Matteo and pops go back to the waiting room to figure out who hit Penelope when she left my office building. The doctor leaves and I am sitting here holding her hand as she looks out the window.

~Anthony~ Is there anything you remember before or after, whatever put you in here?
~Penelope~ I remember leaving a building, Matteo looks familiar and you do too. Can you tell me anything?
~Anthony~ Like what?
~Penelope~ Why I don't see my father anymore?

I'm scared she is going to go back to the beginning when she legitimately despise me all over again.

~Anthony~ I am the soon to be King of the Romano Mafia. We own several casinos and business. Your father owed us a lot of money. When we went to collect he said he didn't have the money so he gave us you.

She looks down at her hands, twiddling her thumbs.

~Penelope~ So you bought me to relieve his debt?

~Anthony~ Penelope, there is some more things you need to hear from me. (She looks at me giving me the okay to continue) When you came to live with myself and my family, we were a part of an arranged marriage. I needed to get married and it happened. I am so sorry.

She turns her head and doesn't look at me. I feel absolutely horrible about her being hurt because of my stupid past and what I do for a living.

~Penelope~ Has my father tried contacting me any?
~Anthony-~ He did briefly in the beginning but after he tried getting you to settle a new debt, and told him no, he quit. I'll understand if you want nothing to do with me because of this.

Penelope's POV

I seriously wish I was able to remember everything but I can't. I can tell Anthony is being honest with me. His eyes are honest. Beautiful color.

~Penelope~ As much as I want to hate you, I can't your eyes prove to me that you are being honest.
~Anthony~ If you want when you are released from here, you don't have to sleep in my bed or room. I'm willing to go slow as you can want. When we said "I do", I meant every word. I am yours. Now get some rest. I'll be here with you.

He makes me smile.

Anthony's POV

Nearly loosing my wife terrified the hell out of me. I lean back hoping they got a lead. As I kiss her knuckles, Matteo and Pops walk inside.

~Matteo~ How is she?
~Anthony~ She is sad but it is expected. I plan to make her fall in love with me again. So find anything?

It shows that not only did Genny hit my car but Donovan, getting her out of there. I tell them to stakeout areas where they hang out at. They agree with us.

After they have left, I lean back in my chair and rest. She needs me as much as I need her. We will get through this together.

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