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the more you love
the more you suffer

the more you lovethe more you suffer

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liked by seaveydaniel and 7.526 others

corbynbesson: tonight, please just whisper as softly as you can that i am not hard to love.

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randomuser#21: the veins😍

seaveydaniel: 🕳👩‍🦯
randomuser#36: is that ur way of calling him hot
seaveydaniel: yes

jonahmarais: pic creds u fucker

corbyn stood against the railings on the balcony of the hotel he had checked into, leaning forward. just a little bit. it was almost 8 am, he hadn't slept yet, it was cold and he knew that he should probably be freezing, but instead he couldn't seem to feel the cold... at all. even though he wishes that he could, because then he would at least be feeling something, instead of this numbing emptiness that he would do anything to remove.

corbyn was also so damn hungry, but he had no appetite and everything was so damn bland and tasteless to him that he never felt like eating anymore. he knew he should, but it just seemed so pointless. so instead of preparing some food, he had just decided to ignore it, waiting for the feeling to eventually go away.

and that's how he had ended up on the balcony, he couldn't sleep either, so instead he had grabbed his notebook that worked more as a diary at this point, in hopes of finding a way to explain what he was feeling.

and corbyn sighed as he leaned back again so that he was no longer hanging over the railing. grabbing his pen and placing it against the paper it hopes of words coming to him, and they did.

dear whoever is out there watching me right now, or dear whoever will end up reading this in the future.

do you ever feel empty and hopeless with seemingly no reason why?

do you ever feel the guilt crawl up your spine as you take a step back to watch yourself crumbling, even while knowing that there are people who have it so much worse?

do you ever feel the way i do?

are you hung up on someone you can't have? because i am.

his laugh might be my favorite sound to ever exist, but how do you make something work when you're both fucked up in the head?

how do you prioritize someone else when you can't even prioritize yourself?

how do you make time for someone when you hardly ever have the energy to leave your own bed?

how do you love someone when you feel like you've never been loved?

how do you let someone in when you mind keeps telling you they'll leave?

and lastly, how do you love someone with your heart, mind and soul all at once?

yours truly,
a corbyn besson who's fighting hard to keep himself from drowning.

authors note !
idk what this is. i'm so tired. i've only slept for max two hours in the last 37 hours, so sorry if my english is completely broken at this point, i'll come back and edit this chapter whenever i have enough energy.

happy new year :). im so proud of you for making it through 2020, i know it's been hard  <3

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