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do u love me?
bc i love you

"i want him to be my boyfriend," corbyn said out of nowhere as he sat with jonah. jonah who was chilling out on his bed, and corbyn who was sitting in the windowsill his feet dangling in the free. it was dangerous, the both of them knew that, but jonah knew he wouldn't be able to make corbyn get down even if he tried.

"i know, bubs. it's obvious," jonah mumbled back, jonah had always known this day was gonna come, ever since the morning corbyn arrived late and told him that he had just met the love of his life, it would only been a matter of time before they'd meet again, jonah has always known that.

"i'm scared that i'll only be able to give him half of me. i'm fucked up jonab, how am i supposed to give someone all of me, when i'm not even whole as a person?" corbyn asked, his voice soft and weak as it flowed out into nothing - the wind carrying away the heaviness of his words.

"that's what love is, it's okay if you're not whole as long as you give him all of what is left - both you and daniel have some issues, but it's obvious for everyone that whenever you're together, you're happier - the both of you. ask him to be yours corbyn. fix each other - you guys have the power to do that, i promise." jonah said softly, watching corbyn as he turned around, got down from the windowsill and jumped onto the bed, wrapping his arms around his best friend.

"why are you so wise, and why the fuck do you keep wasting your everything on me," corbyn mumbled softly as he let himself lay on top of jonah, resting his head besides jonah's.

"i don't know, because you're the other half of me, you're my best friend, corbyn. you know that, i'm gonna be right by your side until i die - even after, we're forever. and my mum would kill me if i let you go," jonah added. he was so thankful for corbyn and everything that corbyn had done for him, even if corbyn didn't know that.

"if you hadn't turned out to be aromantic i would've married you when we were 12, you know that right?" corbyn asked with a chuckle, still laying on top of his best friend, jonah smiled against the bed.

"i know, and i would've let you. mom would too," jonah said, he had never wanted to be in a relationship - to be touched by anyone in a romantic way, but he knew that if he had - it would've been corbyn, it always would have been. they were no doubt platonic soulmate, everyone who took even one glance at them would know that.

"yeah your mom loves me - i love her too, so much, i should visit her when we go home, perhaps i should introduce her to daniel? i need to have him mommy approved," daniel said softly with a laugh, it was important for him that jonah's mom approved of his love life - he already knew that jonah's mom would love daniel, but he had to make sure - just in case.

"yeah, you should probably do that, she'd be disappointed otherwise," jonah said, and then it was decided, corbyn was gonna stop being a pussy and ask daniel out, as soon as he had gotten a daniel-approval from jonah's mom, which is something he intends to do as soon as they return from the trip.

corbyn rolled off of jonah, as he realized how long he had been laying like that - corbyn definitely wasn't fat, not in any way, but he still wasn't light - and he wasn't sure how jonah had been able to breathe for so long while corbyn was on top of him, if the roles had been reversed corbyn would've died within a minute probably, but then again, jonah had always been tougher than him.

authors note !
sorry for the wait. also i just took one step towards bettering my mental health the other day, i stopped having streaks, and i feel free - i hadn't even noticed how much i stressed over that unnecessary shit.

if you're struggling, keep fighting bub, i believe in you🤍

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