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it's ordinary to love the beautiful
but it's beautiful to love the ordinary

it's ordinary to love the beautifulbut it's beautiful to love the ordinary

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liked by corbynbesson and 17k others

seaveydaniel: he's a pretty rockstar <3

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randomuser#5: fucking finally

jonahmarais: awww he's singing for u on ur date, that's so cute
corbynbesson: fall in a hole. pls.

imzachherron: talented people, ew.
jackavery: literally so gross

corbynbesson: bubba💘

"what was that song you just sang called?" daniel asked - intrigued, the song was beautiful, and he was quite annoyed about the fact he hadn't known in before now.

"headaches by zac greer," corbyn just mumbled, it was a song he had found recently, and for some reason he had taken a special liking to it, even though it wasn't anything like what he would normally listen to.

"don't know who that is," daniel just mumbled with a soft laugh, crawling into corbyn's arms, as corbyn removed the bass from his grip, making space for daniel to be able to lay there.

"most people don't, i didn't either - literally only found him a week or two ago," corbyn said softly, letting his hand run through daniel's soft hair. corbyn felt his heart swell as he looked down on the boy laying in his lap.

"i want you to be my boyfriend," corbyn just then said, completely out of the blue. daniel turned so he was laying on his back - staring up at corbyn, who just looked down on him with calm eyes and a lazy smile.

daniel giggled, "was that your way of asking me out?" he just asked, smiling up at the boy he was so deeply in love with, that he always seemed to forget other people existed.

"did it work?" corbyn just responded - he knew it did, he could tell from daniel's smile and the love filled eyes his own were connected to.

"of course it did, only because it's you though," daniel said softly, using his arms to raise himself so he could press his lips softly against corbyn's. corbyn hummed softly as their lips connected, it was as if the whole world stopped spinning around them - as if time stopped, just for them.

corbyn leaned back, just for a second, to place a peck against daniel's nose before connecting their lips again. it was nothing extreme, just a soft love filled kiss that wouldn't lead to more, but none of the two minded - they didn't need to move forward, laying in each others arms was enough for now. so that's what they did.

corbyn moved the pillow below his back - placing his head down on it, spreading his arms for daniel. daniel happily accepted, letting his head rest against corbyn's chest - to hear his heartbeat. and then swung an arm over his waist, and his legs over the others completely caging him in.

corbyn smiled as he let one of his hands rest against the back of daniel's head - and the other he placed on daniel's side, enjoying the heat that radiated through daniel's shirt.

"i wish we could stay like this forever," daniel mumbled sleepily, before closing his eyes - quickly falling asleep.

"perhaps we could," corbyn mumbled, looking at daniel for a while - just admiring him. before falling asleep himself as well.

authors note !
only two more parts left ig

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